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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Good decision !!! An extra day with the new baby when she arrives too!!
  2. Yep! Better take care of yourself!!
  3. Ok. It is always sad to lose one but it would've been even sadder had it been one of their Mom's. You mean after all those doors you fixed you can still raise the glass and drink?
  4. The "crying fat kid's" Mother works for the same company that a former work buddy works now. I agree more should've been given a second chance.
  5. pee wee and first time gold....look forward to seeing him in the Olympics!!!
  6. $3.69 here in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
  7. Was the down cow the mother to any of the new ones?
  8. TGIF!!! Happy Texas Independance Day!!!
  9. Add Cavanagh and Magrane to the list!!
  10. Best of luck! Will be thinking of them!!'. Keep us posted.
  11. Aw.....how cute!!! With the way she is waving those arms, she is already in training to be a Jill!!
  12. It could be fun. A new twist to "Jerra's" beloved cheerleaders...COUGARS!!!
  13. Hump Day AND Leap Year too!!! What a duo!!! And now the 2012 NFL season starts on Hump Day too!!!
  14. Thanks for the pics!!! The two sure are cute!!
  15. Do you think the race car Gods are mad because they moved this race so it wouldn't conflict with the Super Bowl?
  16. I saw The Artist last night. The Descendants a few weeks back but not Tinker Tailor.
  17. Meryl Streep is no longer the Susan Lucci ( who lost so many Emmys) of the Oscars!!! What an upset !
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