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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Wait till yours later this month! Nice!! First Father's Day as a Grandfather in MA!
  2. What about my Mavs? Could KG fill the void that Chandler left?
  3. Great news!! Travel day Thurs to MA?
  4. Donate them to a learning disable center to use for craft projects.
  5. Ok! Be good!! Don't be spiking her milk with any of that wine of yours! LOL!!
  6. Great point!!! Wonder what Bob Costas gets to do now!!
  7. Look at it this way...you're the first for TGIF!!
  8. Thanks!!! Without their sacrifice,we wouldn't have freedom to post here!
  9. Cool news!!! If you want her to walk more get either a toy shopping cart or a toy lawn mower to push. It did wonders for my son!! Good move on the tubes too!! My niece Emily should have had hers done sooner than they did. She has 25% hearing loss.
  10. I agree too but this sounds like Mead has a new project to do. On vacation this week. Here's an on time Happy Hump Day!
  11. Great information as usual!!! I look forward to checking some of these out.
  12. Sounds like some great wood for the opening day tailgate!!
  13. Several years ago,I attended a high school football game. Half time came and here comes the band...four members weren't in band uniforms they were in their football uniforms and each one played a different instrument.
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