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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Yep!!! I remember him!! I live in Arlington Texas and I remember him running up and down the field over in Fort Worth Texas at TCU!!
  2. Great news!! All of us have missed you especially me on my favorite day "Tuesday"!!
  3. One more week and she's already 3 months!! Thanks!! At least you are at peace now that the surgery is over.
  4. mead does need wine at 6am!! I't's his version of morning orange juice! TGIF!!
  5. Does that include making protein shakes?
  6. At least he didn't take my ""favorite day"" Tuesday!!
  7. Damn!! That leaves me out!! I'll just keep doing Hump Day and TGIF'
  8. What really is god awfull are my tonsils. I still have them in a glass jar in the pantry at my Mother's house. My surgery was in November 1963! The Bills were THREE then!!
  9. He has to healthy and STAY that way!!
  10. Thanks for the update! It looks to me as though you subsituted mangos or peaches for strawberries in my recipe!! LOL!!!
  11. Thanks for the update!! Hope the meds are doing their job. I can't take those because they won't let me sleep. mead''s right on the milkshakes but I suggest protein ones. Get slim fast....a banana...ice...strawberries and protein powder..throw it in a blender and make a smoothie. Freeze for 30 minutes and enjoy! Depending on how much protein powder, you could get 50 grams a drink.
  12. Think of it this way. The job is just getting you in better shape for hiking!
  13. No more T minus! Vanilla vodka time over! Back to work on Monday.
  14. Engraved money clips...business cards holders.. pocket knives and some stores sell NFL gift cards.
  15. Better drink all you want today. It's ""on the wagon"" Monday to prepare for surgery on Tuesday.
  16. T minus 75 minutes to vanilla vodka time!
  17. No fireworks at Rangers Ballpark. Team on the road.
  18. A Happy red..white..and blue Hump Day to everyone!!
  19. May we raise our glass and give a red..white.. and blue toast to the USA!! ( an apology to the mods, I know this belongs more in the Off the Wall but due to the signifance I posted here )
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