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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. May we keep everyone in our prayers. Man!! Webster is way too close to the Bills training camp!
  2. A toast to the Canadian Delagation of Bills Nation.
  3. Me too!! But with late dinner of pork loin
  4. It's SNOWING here in Arlington Texas!!!! I will have a RARE White Christmas!!!!
  5. It's SNOWING here in Arlington Texas I will have a RARE offical White Christmas!!
  6. Sounds worse than Peterson's last year! UGH!! Guess Nelson get to be his rehab teacher.
  7. Christmas Eve's menu varies. Tonight it is chili at my sisters. In the past it was another turkey on Christmas Day but this year it will be an oven cooked pork loin at mother in laws.
  8. T minus 1 day to Santa!! Ooops!!! My bad! Bills lose because I told them to SQIISH THE. FISH and not SQUISH THE FISH!!! I apologize!
  9. To ALL of my "Shout Box","Last Post Wins" buds and to the rest of Bills Nation Merry Christmas! Thank you for allowing me to be a "small" part of the Nation the last few years!
  10. May we raise our glass and give a toast to the " Windy City" mod!
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