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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Me? Haven't a clue! I don't need to buy one!
  2. I agree! Even in my " non pop culture" days I watched the two! Sad he is gone but happy that Siskel and him are catching up! I see Vader has given his take! I think it was worth waiting to read. Nah....not OUR Vader!! LOL
  3. 44 here. Off to the Ranger home opener in a few. TGIF to all! Working Sat...UGH!
  4. Most of the time I do too! At work but get Bills and Cowboys draft picks alerts on my ESPN app on my iPhone.
  5. 46 here. In between rounds of rain. Off today work Sat so here's a more timely HAPPY HUMP DAY Wednesday!
  6. oops...thought the Bills were leaving The Healthy Zone.
  7. Have always watched at home. Two years ago a new tradition began. I went to that famous stadium of mine. I sat on the 45 yard line and watched on that famous big screen. Last year sat in the grass in front of the stadium on a blanket with other fans and watched on big TV's! I called it a tailgate draft party!
  8. RIP...thank you for all the Texas OU memories!
  9. I wonder why. LOL Here in Texas? Sausage on the grill soon. My Texas Rangers loose later I will really in the spirit and throw some plastic dishes on the floor!
  10. Classy guy even if he played against or coached aganist my Cowboys!
  11. 75 now.... high Wed 55... and rain too!
  12. Can someone PM me what this is? Guess this means I still have more Bills education to learn.
  13. Make a sign. TBD ROCKS"" to take to the game!
  14. 2013 MLB Season starts tonight. May everyone's team have a good season.
  15. May everyone have a safe day!
  16. HAPPY EASTER to all of you here! ""Play ball"" 2013 MLB Season begins tonight!
  17. Travel day. No not for the Bills. No not for my Boys. But yes for my Rangers. Off to Houston to open the 2013 MLB Season on ESPN Easter Sunday night.
  18. Sounds wonderfull! Cooking dinner on the road. Son driving up from Austin and meeting us in Granbury . Cooking my sister in laws "lazy lasagne" Boiled pasta....browned sausage of your choice white sauce of your choice layered with mozzarella and Italian shredded cheese . Spinach salad and garlic bread. Dessert undecided at the time.
  19. Sorry... running late ...Friday TGIF Not working Sat!! A toast to Good Friday too
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