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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. oops...sorry Tom True this isn't the baseball forum but by the time you read The Stadium Wall and Off the Wall you forget to go over to the baseball forum so it's nice to see it here.
  2. Nice to hear.Thanks for the update. Great!
  3. I went to see the Fort Worth Cats play baseball for the first time in 55 years. And...they WON but my Rangers lost AGAIN!,
  4. Thank you doesn't seem enough but I'll say it anyway.
  5. Hilarous!! It hasn't popped up on mine...yet..but my name isn't Tom.
  6. Duh....makes sense....Bills and my Boys do cause a lot of headbanging.
  7. Beer.....you ought to know after last years home oppener that Gugny doesn't have THAT kind of hair. And....he's a while away from age 54.
  8. Happy Independence Day to alll! Let's remember it's not all about the food and the liquor today.
  9. Hammer's is family. Always will be to me. They were very classy to this Cowboys fan who showed up for the 2010 home opener. Yes you will! You better be there when Dallas goes to Buffalo. I want the game to be a home opener.
  10. My not even 57 year old sister in law now has colon cancer. Surgery on 6-12 and now chemo. Had NO signs and was discovered at her annual colonoscopy.
  11. Hooray!! Proud for you!! Got a slow leak in a tire repair and spent time with my Mother.
  12. Already bummed my Sean Lee is gone and now Kiko too! No cheering for these #50's this year.
  13. Went to Jerry's World to watch the USA soccer game.
  14. A toast to the country and to all Canadians of TBD.
  15. Texas is really serious about boat saftey these days. Many die each year.
  16. Could this qualify as a TBDism? When I was young I would say that I wanted to do it "another gin" instead of saying that I wanted to "do it again"
  17. I'll save my money so I can have a better trip to see the Bills play in Houston. I'll just enjoy the "complimentary" smell .
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