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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Afraid I don't qualify to answer the question in this thread.
  2. I hope he's in love with the girl and if it's not he's had way too much of that moonshine of his.
  3. UGH...but it means more time for others to have more practice opps.
  4. Really bad timing! A shame some of those couldn't have fallen as you made your trip back east to go home.
  5. I saw it too! Great looking but I'm not a fan of black cars.
  6. Nope!! Don't do those. Mine are taken when I attend sporting events.
  7. Well said. I took a picture just like you did. A classy moment!!
  8. Or borrow some venison from my sister. She makes great chili.
  9. Nope! I don't want those teeth sticking in me!
  10. Keep that smell fresh in your mind the next time you have to pick up poop after the dog. It should be easier. Sad to hear this news now beef prices will be even more expensive.
  11. Better protection for EJ and wider rushing lanes for the running backs.
  12. Makes sense....the Indians mascot is named Slider. Two mascots that end in "er"
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