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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. No way this is Off the Wall! It's off the chart! What a top notch thread! Few realize this about Landy and this Cowboys fan appreciates your acknowledgement.
  2. TGIF and just for jboys it's the 22nd. Any bill due on the 25th better be paid today.
  3. Yep! I should've mentioned Paar too in my post.
  4. I really doubt he volunteered. Can't see Jay disgracing Mrs B's new 3rd baseman the Panda from the Red Sox's by wearing a mask.
  5. Sad ...getting old..goodbye Carson...then Leno....and now Letterman. DVR set.
  6. I'm less than 2 hours away yet haven't set any vehicle on fire or turned one over.
  7. I am embarrassed this happened in my state.
  8. No!! Don't want him playing against my "associate" team or the Boys.
  9. Steve Busby of the Texas Rangers TV crew sometimes describes a pitch as "he fisted him"
  10. We haven't but he didn't earn the title of Chef by just making salads.
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