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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. RIP Prayers to his family and friends.
  2. PM a mod...tell them which one to delete.
  3. 62 humm...21 days till I'll be a 62 too...it's my birthday.
  4. MGIM....but cheer up the Bills are playing on Friday night.
  5. MGIM but cheer up the Bills are playing Friday night.
  6. Yes...Mr CGF thinks it's odd too!
  7. Just don't mess with the Boyst
  8. Has a wealth of knowledge on wine so much he could be a Wine Steward.
  9. Great personality ! Always teasing me about my teams.
  10. TGIF and Bills practicing too!
  11. One great fan of the Bills,Sabres and Astros.
  12. Always gracious to this Cowboys fan.
  13. When are coming to Seagoville?
  14. Always enjoys me helping him keep up with the days of the week.
  15. Yes...mine doesn't go black it turns to blue.... take the remote hit the input button...scroll down to the HDMI2 and choose it...it should restore. Mine does this all the time. Thank heavens it did it the first time when the 30 year old tech savvy son was home.
  16. A great fan of the Bills and the Mets.
  17. Happy Hump Day and Bills on "First Take" too!
  18. Happy Hump Day and Bills on "First Take" too!
  19. MGIM but at least the Bills are in camp.
  20. MGIM but at least the Bills are in camp
  21. TGIF and Bills in camp too!
  22. A bit too early for a cake. Birthday not till August 31. This appears to be a case when there wasn't enough hands in the pie (cake) or they would've left the scissors. Sad for the store though.
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