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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Even looked like he could still play the last year the Bills were in Houston when he stopped by at that tailgate too.
  2. Maker's Mark and diet sprite or diet 7. However I usually drink vodka with any Diet Ocean Spray flavor.
  3. YEP...it's even on Facebook. Weather Channel posted it on their timeline.
  4. It's not me! I'm the resident "night owl" of TBD.
  5. This is NOT Boyst! He milks the cows each day at 6PM.
  6. Happy Birthday beer! Don't do anything I wouldn't do ☺
  7. Where is ExzilledinIllinois when we need him?
  8. I believe this is on every New Years Day. Mr CGF has watched it all day. Mr CGF noticed the smoking too.
  9. The group I was with parks along the left side of the lot. There is a green like Hyundai Tucson with a Texas license plate.They use 2 blue tarps to make a tent. Go say hello!
  10. Merry Christmas to all of my Bills family!
  11. Hope you will come. I will be there too. I'll be the only Cowboys fan at Hammers Lot and dressed that way too. LOL. Weather permitting I'll just have the old Apex Cowboys jacket on and if not a blue poncho over it.
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