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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. I thought it was about better ways to chop wood.
  2. Me too! I miss being called CG! I miss being teased about my vanilla "wodka" vodka.
  3. Thank you!
  4. Hi Ice!!! Still hurting about that loss to your Pack yet feeling bad it went for them in the end. Looking forward​ to baseball? I'm mixed because I don't feel comfortable with the pitching. Good to hear from you!
  5. Man...You ought to see the things on Facebook!
  6. As in Oklahoma St?
  7. MAN!! Have I missed all these insights!
  8. My stupid Texas legislators! State has many issues and they concentrate on this one!! GRRRR!!!!
  9. I am friends with them on Facebook too.
  10. I'm not sure about the cause of his death. It was only explained that he'd been sick but there wasn't many details. No...We need Beerball. Everyone here makes a contribution to the success of TBD and we need his.
  11. Thinking of you guys! Everyone please be safe.
  12. I too miss Lori. CabelLady also. Wasn't there a Lana? I enjoyed talking about Dirk Nowitski with playman. bowery4 passed​ away about a year ago. We were Facebook​ Friends. I miss millbank being more active. Fingers are crossed that things here improve so Beerball will return.
  13. Can I get any love for the SMU Mustangs?
  14. Can't​ give you guys any pro's or con's on this one.
  15. YEP...Brittle...I don't even want him back. Both teams need to draft 2 new younger players.
  16. Yes... Equally injured as Gilmore
  17. What's​ the status on the decisions​?
  18. Not sharing a cell with anyone. Does that speed those decisions that are pending?
  19. So.. I'm now with Gungy..Mead and JFH ?
  20. Stunning! Crazy! Why wait till now? Guess it beats after the draft
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