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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Not sharing a cell with anyone. Does that speed those decisions that are pending?
  2. Stunning! Crazy! Why wait till now? Guess it beats after the draft
  3. Happy Birthday! "Age is not important unless you are a cheese" Helen Hayes I hope your day was wonderful!
  4. Horribly sad. Railroad crossings here in Texas needs to be seriously addressed.
  5. Welcome to TBD! Your eyes aren't deceiving you,I am a Cowboys Fan however my best friend is a HUGE Bills Fan so they are my AFC Team. I came to this board at my best friends suggestion to learn the team and more about WNY. It has exceeded my expectations! I have learned a lot and met many here on TBD that are now cherished friends for life. I envite you guys to join us in the Shout Box.
  6. awww...Missed you too!! Excellent news! Elated the news on the home front have improved!
  7. Just Jamaica. Have never had any issue with drinking the water from the Montego Bay airport or the resort. I will plea the fifth on the Topless beaches. Arrived safe back in Dallas Fort Worth yesterday. Another wonderful trip in the books. Biggest surprise was how much more comfortable the temperature is in February rather than what it is in June.
  8. This is a girls trip. Mr CGF and I will go in June.
  9. Yes..Again.. Someone's got to do it. Departing Saturday February 25th. Returning March 3 Everyone behave and be safe. May the chips fall as they may with Romo and Taylor. We'll pick up the pieces and move forward.
  10. I promise to do better next time. The sports talk station I listened to in those days here in the Dallas Fort Worth Texas Rangers reported the score about 7PM CST I will always remember exactly where I was driving home that day.I was so excited I could hardly get dinner ready.
  11. It was a semi final. Game was played on Friday afternoon. Televised later that night. Won the gold on Sunday vs Finland.
  12. February 22,1980 "Do you believe in miracles"
  13. Afternoon. I just wanted to let you know that I am still thinking about you and your family and friends
  14. I'll make a huge sacrifice. No...I won't step up and play but I'll keep Romo's home and away jersies clean.
  15. Grocery store dipped chocolate strawberries and a take out lasagna here. Doing a Mediterranean Cruise in July.
  16. How cool! That couple made a good choice because they knew you'd pay it forward one day.
  17. When I went to see the Bills play in LA back in October,we drove by Lake Cachuma. I was so heartbroken to see that it was all but gone. I so wish all this run off could make its way to there.
  18. Five days into this post,I wanted to tell you that I still have you,your family and friends in my thoughts.
  19. Mine is a Samsung Galaxy S6 Active,it updates and in the progress my apps get rearranged. GRRRRRR.
  20. Horribly heartbroken for you,your family and friends. I'm not as active in the Shout Box as I was in the past but I envite you to spend some time with the Shout Box family.
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