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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Cortez Kennedy?? Rather cruel considering he's dead.
  2. Last December (2016 ) the NFL decided to hold the game on Thursday for the first time. Friday will be the day everyone gets their Hall of Fame jacket and a big party follows. Some inductees will have a post party too. Saturday is the Hall of Fame parade. Just like the Draft the NFL wanted to make it a 3 day event.
  3. I believe former President Obama's is August 4th. Happy Birthday Mr Levy!
  4. Happy Birthday TT!! Have a great day!!
  5. I still think free wine for mowing or even for deck repair would be cool!
  6. Mead could always mow grass for free wine at the resort.
  7. Thanks for the heads up! I'd recommend no one sign out until these updates are done.
  8. Well....still in Charlotte NC...flight to Austin got cancelled...off to Austin Texas ...we hope later today.
  9. Good morning. Heading home today. Boarding here in Rome Italy in a few. Then to Charlotte NC and on to Austin Texas. Home to Granbury Texas late Tuesday. It's been an AMAZING ADVENTURE!!!!
  10. What an adventure! All stops have been amazing! Just arrived in Cannes,France.
  11. What a wonderful adventure! However I'll never do it again in Texas like heat! It was just stunning!
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