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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. A " forever house". I see you have ties to watching"House Hunters" on HGTV too.
  2. Great question. Clever just clever. No. She uses a huge deep pot on the stove.
  3. For the first time since June of 1976,I ( we) have a new car. A 2017 Hyundai Tucson. Color Dazzling Whte ? ( it matches ALL of the teams I support ) Purchased on October 19. Drove it off the lot with 4 miles on the odometer.
  4. I wouldn't have my sister's chili any other way with the vension she uses!
  5. Christmas music is already on 98.7 FM here in the Dallas Fort Worth area.
  6. The horn at the rink when your hockey team is on the road. ?
  7. Not me unless I get all liquored up on my vanilla vodka and post something outlandish.
  8. Regretfully not going this time. May all travel safe and bring home a win.
  9. I don't shop at Walmart. I only used Walmart because it was the example. I shop at Kroger. Spend so much you get points. Those points lead to anywhere from 3¢ off a gallon of gas to a $1.00 off a gallon of gas Kroger has their house brand too yet as I said it's no where near the quality of Hebrew, Nathan's or Sahlen's.
  10. Heartbreaking at it's worst. Condolences to his family, his friends and his fans
  11. This has been quite enlightening to me with this discussion. I'm like you that the Walmart brand of hot dogs is no way the same as Hebrew National, Nathan's nor Sahlen's.
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