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Everything posted by Garranimal

  1. I agree along these lines. There are only 30 QB positions in the NFL (plus Jax and Cleveland). When you factor out the 10 or so spots held by very good QBs and the 6-8 or so spots held by overdrafted first rounders there aren't a lot of opportunities and the window each guy gets in those few spots are getting smaller and smaller. if you aren't the yearly media annointed next big thing QB, the minute a young QB shows a flaw or doesn't carry his team you have guys like Merrill Hodge and Chris Carter running a smear campaign against you. Very few prospects get a chance to develop because if they don't put up big numbers in one year, the draft comes along and it is time to play the lottery again. Beyond the coaches, i think there is very little talent out there at actually evaluating QBs. If McShay and the Hairpiece threw darts at a wall of pictures they would have the same QB picking success rate. Let's face it, how long would Joe Ferguson have lasted in today's NFL? Bert Jones? Bernie Kosar? I am not sure if we would even know their names.
  2. What do you mean by that? Oops, nevermind, don't answer. On another note, has anyone ever read Don Quixote?
  3. Huh? Aren't they both football issues.....aw jammit!
  4. As soon as the Seminoles and Tally PD (and the State's Attorney's Office) get disciplined for the actual crimes they committed, then we should turn our attention to the NFL rule breaking committed by the Patsies.
  5. Elway can eat corn-on-the-cob through a picket fence.
  6. As a for instance (not that I support this in any way) had the bills immediately hired Mike Smith after getting fired by the Falcons...what would the reaction be? How is Mike Smith any different than Rex aside from personality? I mean, if you wanted to hire an annoying windbag but with an offense-bias, why not Lane Kiffen? He could thaw Monte from his cryogenic freeze and have pops as the D-coord. He has previous (and also unsuccessful) HC experience. In reality, I think Lane has learned some humility at the heels of Satan Nick. And to answer your actual question, I would have taken a very long look at Jim Mora Jr. I would not be surprised if he becomes a very good NFL coach some day if he decided to and is given another chance. Urban Meyer anyone?
  7. Is there a point to that comment? I see your Jauron and raise you a Dungy (with superbowl ring) and a Levy (with four AFC champ rings).
  8. Does this include letting your QB bang your wife while you hide in the closet and then get a tattoo to commemorate it?
  9. wow...a man with 20/20 hindsight wisdom......the point is, Lovie came in, brought in his QB, made him #1 immediately and proceeded to go out and sh#t the bed with his guy. With Doug Martin, and a very good set of Wide Recievers (that turned out to be great), the record does not reflect the talent on that team.
  10. And so are you.....its an opinion....like that stinky, unwashed thing you are sitting on. When you buy the team, you can ask people to leave the fan base....until then, its a discussion website where discussions take place.....god, why is that so hard to comprehend for some here.
  11. Didn't Lovie Smith coach a team to the superbowl? How is he doing now.....oh yeah, he has the first pick in the draft.
  12. We are now the dirtbags of the NFL. I can't wait for the first superbowl prediction.....and the signing of Mark Sanchez.
  13. I think the Bills should be leery of hiring a Jackass for a coach who also never actually fielded an above average offense. If we replace Marrone with Rex.....meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
  14. Uh, Jerruh unearthed Rolando McClain and it looks like a stroke of genius.....that doesn't make him a guru. Something about the sun and dog's posterior........
  15. Lighten up, Francis! No really, his name is Francis!
  16. i see your point, but the problem with your argument is that it implies that not giving up on EJ is a credible plan for the QB position in 2015....which it may or may not be (most likely not statistically speaking).
  17. Should have replaced him with Tebow.....again.
  18. Well played sir.
  19. EJ had Kelvin Benjamin and James Wilder at RB (who was considered one of if not the best RB in the ACC). While the O wasn't rife with NFL talent, to argue that EJ's college career was less than impressive because he didn't have talent doesn't say much about EJ....especially given how weak the ACC was at that point. EJ rose as pro prospect not because of anything he did in college, it was mostly because ESPN, Kiper and McShay had torn every other QB down so someone (anyone!!!) needed to be hoisted up as the top prospect of that horrible class.
  20. Pretty much the same. But by comparison, EJ played for a team with superior talent in a weak conference while Aaron played for a much less talented team in a slightly stronger (at that time) conference. If EJ had similar numbers say on Duke or the Tar Heels, then we have a very red apples to green apples type of argument.
  21. I think people just see his physical attributes and never look at his actual play. He has never been that guy that shines brighter as the competition gets better. Yeah yeah, 4-0 in bowls...but meaningless bowls. No NCs, maybe one ACC title (i didn't look it up) in what was a very down ACC at the time. when you aren't competing for the NC, beating florida is your end of year bowl....and they lit him up his senior year. Take away the last TD drive in that game...and that was a crap show of epic proportion. Look at how a crappy UF team made an interesting game this year against Winston..... In college EJ was good (fair even) but never great....never. Again, what is his signature win/moment...hell he should have 10-15 of them. The competition is even better at this level....like huge better, so anyone (like a moronic front office) who expected him to make this jump and be proficient isn't really using common sense....again all IMO.
  22. Can someone explain how upside (ceiling) is any different than chroise? Besides idiots like Kiper and McShay using it as some sort of bogus analytic, what the hell does it mean and please give some actual examples where upside equates to some value metric. Take the QB class of '83, did Todd Blackledge have more upside or a higher ceiling than anyone else?
  23. I would trade EJ for A CAR, an '86 Yugo even.....though we would be screwing the Yugo-owner pretty royally.
  24. What is so incredible to me about this debate is neither EJ nor Orton has done anything that should surprise/excite/disappoint anyone. Both guys continue to be exactly who they have always been. EJ was never above average in college (what is his statement game?) was always the same exact guy he is now. Orton has always been a guy who starts out with a flash of "wow' (ie, better than you thought he would be) and then regresses below the mean to the point where Tebow is a significant upgrade on the same team. The Buffalo Bills have two very lousy QBs and despite all of the shouting and fantacizing about "higher ceiling", "potential" and "physical tools"....EJ is (and has always been) a pipe dream....and Orton is the guy who will always break your heart. Both suck....and as hard as it is to say.....we need to keep looking.
  25. Where have I heard this before.....right before a stadium broke out in "Tebow, Tebow, Tebow" chants....and went to the playoffs....and won a home game....throwing the ball....against the #1 defense in the league. I also belief their was a "let it rip" component to that story as well.
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