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Everything posted by Garranimal

  1. i think that is a very good question....or maybe it illustrates a good point. Sammy (and the entire Bills team) would really benefit from leadership....or a leader who demands excellence and doesn't tolerate any less. Brady (and Flutie) are cocky, arrogant SOBs who have unwavering confidence in their own skills and aren't afraid to dress down a team-mate who isn't pulling his weight. I think there are a few Bills, but Sammy in particular, who would blossom within a Nick-Sabanesque-pefectionist atmosphere.
  2. Agree completely. I know I have stated this very same point before and I am going to be lazy and not look up the stats again, but I believe Watkins is having a similar problem that Eric Moulds had. Until Moulds got paired with a QB (Flutie) who was willing to throw it (questionably perhaps) on faith in his direction and trust him to make a play, his numbers were not impressive. As i remember the story, Moulds and Flutie developed a trust in one another through playing basketball together, which is heavily dependent upon passing and anticipation of players getting to spot as the pass is made. I always thought that Flutie played QB with a point-guard mentality. Eli does this very thing with OBJ and has his entire career (David Tyree anyone?). The up-side of a gambling mentality is that when you win, its spectacular, the down side is that Eli has had periods of excessive interceptions.
  3. Uh, that's not logic, #s 1 & 2 are unsubstantiated opinions stated as fact. #3 is the perfect example of lies, damned lies and statistics. 5-7 targets may be fact, but the reason for those number of targets has so many variables that in and of itself it can be used for or against the argument.
  4. who really knows, maybe....maybe not. The stink of it was that there was much more to the story but Daddy (as always) stepped in and swept all of the nastiness away. The trainer was paid to go away and I think for the most part, she has.
  5. Yes i do, and it was one of the things he was rumored to have done at Tennessee.
  6. No, he is more of the "tea-bag a female trainer" type.
  7. where is the outrage over the Colts monkeying with the injury report (Luck = hurt ribs)? By the rules, its cheating. Colts* I say, Colts*. They suck and they cheated! Linky (sorry if this was already discussed, I haven't been here much the last week or so)
  8. i believe that is how he likes it!
  9. probably sometime after joining this message board and dealing with real LA Bills fans. Enjoy the land of fruits and nuts!
  10. Yes, you got me. I joined this board in 2002 knowing that someday, as a secret Pats fan who was born at Millard Fillmore Hospital, I could defend the Pats fumbling insignificantly on a fan message board. Dammit, the jig is up (and gone)!
  11. There are currently 4 teams with no fumbles.......has ball deflation become a trend? A fad? A trending fad?
  12. true, my bad. The floor is yours! (nothing is over until we say it is <<<<heard in the background)
  13. Ok, now you made me look him up. So smart guy, this is his first year with the Patriots and he has never fumbled before. Soooo, does that mean that the eagles have been using flabby balls as well? Good lord, the Bills Fan on Bills Fan crime around here is off the hook!
  14. I certainly have no desire to offer up an excuse for those guys, but one guy can skew a season. Hasn't the same guy fumbled twice? Is the third fumble the brady strip sack? If so, besides having less than 2 PSI in the ball and a hand full of stick'um (ala Orlando Jones in The Replacements), i don't think there was any stopping that fumble!
  15. I think you are on the right track here. It was stated that Eric Moulds blew-up in year three, true, but that had as much to do with Flutie being the QB as it did with moulds. Flutie, for all of his short comings (pun intended) had a true QB mentality and would (gamble) throw iffy balls to receivers and trust that they would make a play. This is why guys like OBJ, AJ Green and Antonio Brown become so great because their QBs give them the chance to make plays. This is my perception of the term "throwing guys open" While i can't say for sure that Sammy is or isn't that caliber of player, i do know he doesn't often get the chance to make plays.
  16. Isn't the other central issue that there is a specified penalty in the article of the rule book pertaining to the inflation specs of the footballs? I think the legal issue here is that if you were caught with under-inflated footballs, you should be penalized as specified in the rulebook. To be admittedly overdramatic (and a bit silly), it is like being suspended for too many PI penalties.....called or otherwise. The rulebook and the officials have the authority to punish a specific amount for the given infraction, additonal after-the-fact punishments (like in the case of defenseless hits that incur additional fines/suspensions) are typically overturned because the punishment is completely subjective.
  17. Yes, baseball. That's what Jimbo did to Shameis last year, suspended him.....from Baseball.
  18. Jimbo has anounced that Dalvin Cook has been suspended 6 games from the FSU baseball team. Didn't this guy get in trouble once or twice last year as well?
  19. Is "too raw" the same as not good enough? Maybe rather than being raw he is just who he is...isn't that as likely? EJ started at least 3 years in college.....it wasn't like he only started his senior year (or never started, eh hem, Cassell).
  20. I don't know about working out, but I have heard that he does pilates in a banana hammock. (i considered posting a visual, but decided against it)
  21. You are talking about a bowl game versus the mighty Northern Illinois (fighthing northern illini?). Could you show some highlights from his THIRD LAST college game? Or his SECOND LAST college game? I think he totalled just over 300 yards passing (combined) in those two games and 4-5 ints. It is EJ Manuel in a nutshell....so much promise, but so inconsistent.
  22. Yes we can....but Flutie is still better than both of those guys taped together!
  23. Umm....lauded means praised.
  24. i didn't rewatch the Trace Armstrong hit, but besides your point, wouldn't it be a leading with the helmet these days?
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