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Everything posted by Garranimal

  1. Uh, you got called a hater because you continue to call tebow a derogatory name....its that simple. And admitting to using that name to try and antagonize Tebow fans is actually the definition of trolling. Damn it, i hate when facts get in the way of a good back peddle.
  2. Message boards are for discussions. What you have just posted basically amounts to admitting that you are trolling. Your substance is all opinion and any facts brought into the conversation are instantly dismissed because...well, you don't like them. Would you like me to post stats from Tebow's NFL play? They still won't support your argument. Add to that your silly name calling and you simply sound like a hater. I would be more than happy to post relevant NFL stats comparing Tebow's first three starts to many other successful NFL QBs....and believe me, they support Tebow. Past success is generally the best predictor of future success. And since almost every single player in the NFL is drafted based on college performance, and i am simply spit-balling here, I am guessing that college performance has some amount of value.
  3. Are you screaming and stamping your feet too? Aren't college statistics and performance the exact thing that has everyone sporting wood over Andrew Luck.....the guy who puts up big numbers against some pretty piss-poor PAC 12 teams? I think Luck is actually a good QB prospect, but you can't sit there and get all dreamy eyed over Luck when his only body of work has been in college.....yes college, which apparently is meaningless....I repeat, meaningless.....except that it is exactly what every draft board is based on. You would be taken more seriously (slightly more) if you didn't resort to calling him a stupid, childish (read: seminole) name. His name is Tebow, try showing some class or just act like an educated human.
  4. hmmmm.....is that fact? Seems I have heard the same exact thing about Fitz.
  5. how about this stat.... Sam Bradford Vs. Tim Tebow as college starters..... yards per attempt: Bradford (2 years and 2 games as a starter) 9.41 yds/attempt Tebow (3 years as a starter) 9.38 yds/attempt "when he was better than Brady" = i can't comment without being a dick As i recall, he got himself in Urban's doghouse for having a case of the dropsies, but my recollection is that Nelson always came up big in big games....and that his down-field blocking was excellent.
  6. sure if you include his rookie season where Leak was the starter....for every game. if you got a 4th rounder for Evans, i can't imagine anyone is going to give even a 7th for Roscoe. Roscoe was a luxury pic for a team that didn't have that luxury.
  7. ....and i said that where? please....do tell. and they all can be physical, so i would love to see a comparison of how this will also improve the running game. I would like to see a heavy dose of the run against the Pats, with these guys manhandling their assignments.
  8. These are Tebow's stats at Florida. Passing Rushing Season Team GP Rating Att Comp Pct Yds TD INT Sack Att Yds TD 2006 Florida Gators 14 201.7 33 22 66.7 358 5 1 0 89 469 8 2007 Florida Gators 13 172.5 350 234 66.9 3286 32 6 13 210 895 23 2008 Florida Gators 14 172.4 298 192 64.4 2747 30 4 15 176 673 12 2009 Florida Gators 14 155.6 304 213 70.1 2895 21 5 25 217 910 14 Totals 55 176.0 985 661 67.1 9286 88 15 53 692 2947 57 What's funny is your entire post is YOUR OPINION only.....I am giving you facts....how is it MY OPINION? My opinion would be that Tebow is far better than Merrill Hoge claims he is....which is just a response to his opinion. That his stats say he is accurate and doesn't turn the ball over, is based on a documented facts. Additionally, his stats and QB rating as a pro do not support the opinions that he cannot be an NFL QB, especially when compared with stats against the same teams in the same year with Kyle Orton as the QB.
  9. just one game, 2010 sugar bowl versus #5 Cincinnati 0:23 Riley Cooper (who can fly) in-stride....even if the coverage were tight, Riley didn't have to even slow down 0:50 Drag/Crossing route to A. Hernandez...on the mark 1;21 Corner fade route with pressure for a TD 1:37 Down the middle into tight coverage I stopped at that point because your argument is refuted. Brady takes 80% of his snaps in the gun in a spread type offensive set...which is why Bill B. spent so much time with Urban Meyer and the gators during Urban's tenure at Florida.
  10. Ah i love the logic, if you have 300 yard games throwing to Percy Harvin, you didn't really deserve a 300 yard game. Funny, i don't hear anyone talking about how Brady didn't deserve his 500 yard game when 70 yards (minimum) came on one YAC to Welker? Double standard anyone? Would you like me to post play after play video where Tebow threw the ball into a tight place? How about just throws in the NFL? Look, i am gator alum....and having watched everything thing from Danny W, to sexy Rexy and the bachelor all the way back to kerwin bell when i was a freshman.....i never felt more comfortable that our QB (Tebow) would not throw a terrible pick and the stats back that up. Very few picks in his college career....and not a dramatic amount during his playing time as a pro. There are lies, damn lies and statistics...but figures don't lie....and the numbers back up what the eyeballs see....Tebow is a LOT better than the copy-cat media give him credit for. the other thing you fail to mention is that Nelson didn't shine at florida because that team was so loaded with talent that David had a hard time getting playing time....but when he did, he made plays.....see the NC game against the golden Sam Bradford and the Sooners.
  11. Berry got taken out because he didn't have his head on a swivel. This Eric Berry? He is so great that he only flew backward 7 yards.....any other player it would have been 8.
  12. great article.....always love the "un-named source" who give the exact quote the writer needs to support his point of view. Again, fact, in tebow's starts, the broncos put up more points per game and even a 300 yard game for a guy who is totally incompetent. The Broncos are doing everything they can to calm the fans sentiment for Tebow to get a shot, deserved or not. There are three games of real evidence that Tebow can compete as an NFL quarterback. Those are 3 rookie starts, and his stats are favorably comparable to other rookie starts for current starting QBs in the league. I can look them up if you like.....or you can all flame away with opinions, or opinions of other people. I can play the same game with opinions of guys like Gruden or Collinsworth or whoever....but theirs are only opinions as well. Honestly, i am fine with agreeing to disagree and letting time tell the rest of the story. I can clearly see where the story is now and where it has been. It is a message board where any player is either awesome or sucks, there is no in between and fair and balanced means opinionated and one sided.
  13. You brought up completion percentage....and you posed the question of how many good NFL qbs have a 50% completion percentage. A discussion with you is like trying to nail jello to tree.
  14. what depth chart would that be?? this one from Denverbroncos.com? http://www.denverbroncos.com/team/depth-chart.html How about using one single fact...and then actually get it right. Orton was named the starter yesterday, the rest of the depth chart at QB was unspecified although John Fox commented that Tim Tebow was still in their long term plans. Where did i say he was awesome....i said show me any evidence that says he can't be an NFL QB. And if you want a successful QB with a low completion percentage....uh...how about Mark Sanchez...54%..lowest among teams with a winning record....anyone questioning his ability to be an NFL QB. And what, Orton's 58% completion percentage is amazing? How about sacks per game, average per completion, qb rating.....he is above Mark Sanchez in every single stat except completion percentage....and Tebow's rushing totals are high. By the way, Tony Romo has a near 70% completion percentage....he has how many Super Bowl Rings?...nevermind, how many appearances? so disagreeing with you is trolling? typical bulletin board response. I have refuted every one of your opinions with actual facts. Tebow only started 3 games so would you like me to compare their college stats?
  15. Here comes the opinion based analysis...... saw all of the passes that he threw and they werent impressive at all. The bomb he threw he had all day, and a receiver wide open and the pass was still a few yards off.....uh....is that opinion or fact based? What do the stats say? I watched all of his games last year and the naked eye test says he put up good to very good numbers for a rookie QB....statistically better than Bradford is several areas. Your guarantee that bowlen and fox and elway desire something is based on what.....opinion.....its funny how people cannot put together a reply without diving deep into personal opinion. Fair and balanced like fox news i suppose.
  16. No more asinine than stating that Tebow can't beat out Brady Quinn. And still, you have yet to show me fact one as to why he can't be an NFL caliber QB. I am not picking on you, just pointing out that stats don't support that argument, that argument is ALL opinion based. Show me any stat that indicates anything but a measured amount of success for a rookie in 3 starts? Waiting......crickets.....
  17. "I mean listen, we're sitting here talking about practice, not a game, not a game, not a game, but we're talking about practice. Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game last it's my last but we're talking about practice man. How silly is that?" Again, still see no evidence that isn't contradicted by factual stats. I see nothing but ESPN highlighting 1 of the only 2 completions Orton had in the first preseason game while highlighting the 1 incomplete pass by Tebow. Refute these items, give me stats, post some real game footage that even remotely supports that the guy can't be a QB at this level. John Fox(Dick Jauron) of the 2-14, number one pick overall Carolina Panthers picks Kyle Orton (Trent Edwards) over Tim Tebow because as he is every year, orton is a training camp phenom. Ask bronco fans about the phantom Jim Everett-style sack in the game against the niners last year. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb1zHpeBeZM Why anyone wouldn't want this intensity and skill set on their football team is beyond me. But again, show me something that says otherwise.
  18. No, I am not kidding you.....rather than throw out one-liner hyperbole, respond to how ESPN is continually (Merrill Hoge anyone?) going out of their way to trash Tebow. His big contract was earned from a great college career. Even yesterday, the ESPN twits put up a college comparison between Tebow and Pryor....and while Tebow completed somewhere around 68% of his passes, and Pryor completed just over 60%, the comment that was made was something to the effect of "While their completion percentages are similar...." what!!!! Similar how, they both begin with a 6? Come on, when the only real sports media outlet in the country, is making statement after statement that isn't just false, its absurdly false, there is no other explanation than to say....agenda. What other qb in the league, in their second year is getting this kind of abusive attention? Look up the stats, Tebow still has the best passer rating on the broncos in the preseason. He is now 7-9. How is that inaccurate? So the blind squirrel finds a nut 7 out of every 9 tries? Did you watch any college games .....like the sugar bowl where he threw for nearly 500 yards against the #3 team in the country? I get that some people doubt he can translate to the NFL.....but aside from repeating the analysis you hear from ESPN, show me some real game footage where any of that is evident....because based on what i have seen with my actual eyes, when Tebow plays, he is effective....and the stats (you know, those numbers based on facts, not opinions)support that statement.
  19. Good lord I hate to even get into this discussion.....but if you look at his play last week, he had a 118 qb rating....was 6-7 for something like 95 yards. What just continues to amaze me is ESPN's crusade. Last week, Orton goes 2-6 and Tebow goes 6-7 yet they show one of two (!!?) orton completions (with a huge RAC) as an example of why Orton is a better QB and they show the one (and only) Tebow incomplete pass to emphasize how not ready to be an NFL qb he is. That in and of itself stinks of an agenda. Nobody ever mentions that last year, Tebow averaged more points per game than Orton....while contributing short yardage TD's in the games Orton did play. Whether Denver's Defense sucked or not, points per game is completely unrelated to how bad your defense is or whether you win or lose games because the D gives up a ton of points. The agenda at ESPN and in denver seems to be to put Tebow in the worst possible situation and worst possible light to break the fan base's lust for him to start. His success last year as a rookie seems to be a thorn in the Broncos Brass's rear and his competent play during the last three games is NEVER ever mentioned.
  20. uh...what did Chip Kelly innovate? How to pay for players and then lie about it? That's been a texas tradition perfected at SMU.
  21. Justin Trattou, OLB, Florida 6'3" 255
  22. I have to wonder (at the top of my lungs) why can't we ever get a coaching staff with a killer instinct......we need TDs, not field goals
  23. ok...i actually took out the stop watch.....trent has 3 full seconds to get rid of the ball.....he gets back in his 3-step drop quickly but doesn't throw on timing....which happens. On one hand, obviously John is pinning it all on Trent, which is not completely realistic. On the other hand, how can you look at the play and not see what happens here. To call the blocking piss poor is ignoring the play itself. At the snap, the jets rush (blitz) 5. The bills have 6 in to handle the 5 defenders with our tight end isolated on the Jets Left DE. The O-line doesn't seem to expect the 5 initial blitzers and the center and left guard both ignore a defender who gets in between them, though the center does attempt (gulp) to tackle the missed blitzer. The Tight End vs DE is the point of vulnerability so Freddie is kept in to either chip/assist with the LDE or release. Unfortunately, the Jets delay-blitz 2 more defenders and while Freddie steps up and takes the first delayed blitzer effectively, everyone else is already engaged. One delayed blitzer goes in untouched at about the same time the LDE comes free from our tight end. The point here is that 7 defenders are committed to the blitz in the first 2 seconds of the play. The Bills have 7 guys in for protection (8 including trent) which means 3 are out in pass patterns against 4 defenders. Assuming one defender in coverage is the deep safety, it is a 3 on 3 drill. The Jets D had a good call on, Trent did not pull the trigger/the WRs didn't read the play or get open. its the perfect storm. I see the Bills blitz all of the time, the difference is that the opposing QB either makes time, or gets rid of the ball (or occasionally takes a sack).
  24. Wow Dib, now i am not sure...what with me being a drop-out and all, but that sure looked to be embarrassing. I know I know, never ever let the truth get in the way of a biased crusade.
  25. Well it sure as heck wasn't the Hurricanes......oops, did I say that out loud?
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