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Everything posted by Garranimal

  1. I see what you mean. Price should have popped a cap in his arse and then he would really be getting the respect he deserves. Oh for Pete's sake .....
  2. This argument is interesting. One guy can is taking a look at the actual statement, how it was said and the past for what they are in reality, and the other guys have done everything from determining that no arrests or trouble for three years is STILL an indictment of character, 3 missed games in three years is a reliability problem (how many has freddie missed) and even how his statements are a result of some concocted fantasy of what the coaches told Percy. Its amazing how easy it is to be negative about anything on the internet where facts never get in the way of a good point of view.
  3. Wow, here, let me shed a crocodile tear.....couldn't happen to a bigger a-hole. Next up, Stephen A.
  4. Did you hear it as you were saying it? That can be confusing at times. JK
  5. Every year, in April....at the draft. Oh, yeah, there is that. Whether collegiate titles and Heisman trophies translate into NFL success is a different story, but I wonder if the rate of success is somewhere above the NFL overall average. I would not be surprised if it was above average.
  6. Pipe down Nolie.....you only hate because you sucked hind teat when playing against Tebow's Gators. And yes, those Yates fans are morons.....much like Seminole fans....only with better educations.
  7. Merril Hoge, is that you? Concussions are a very bad thing. I would take your challenge for zero wins at the ralph, any day of the week and twice on sunday.....so twice today. the reason the Broncos are doing everything in their power to get rid of Tebow is because John Elway is the biggest douchebag ex-player turned exec since Matt Millen. In fact, welcome to Matt Millen 2.0. Of course Elway was a douchebag since day one in the NFL....just ask the colts.
  8. As Dwight Adams tells it, the OP is nearly accurate with a few minor details. Chan wanted the opportunity to craft an offense around TT and Jim Kelly had Ralph convinced that this was the right guy even in round 1. The uptick in fan interest was worth the risk. Plus, Kelly did and still believes that Tebow will pan out. Just the messenger, don't shoot.
  9. Food for thought.....I believe I heard on the radio and am too lazy or disinterested to look it up, but Quinn was given the start in the final preseason game for the broncos last year and promptly put up a QBR of 0. (it would have to be QBR because i think it would be impossible to have a qb rating of zero.....ask rob johnson, he would know)
  10. Not sure i can agree (or disagree for that matter) with this. How can you say Fitz is better or worse than anyone. Actually you can say that Fitz is better and worse than anyone/everyone. I have seen him play lights out and i have seen him just drag a team down to defeat. the jury is out and may always be on Fitz because he has never been consistently good, average or bad.
  11. The refs also didn't PERCEIVE it as a rule infraction (or simply didn't catch it) either way, no harm, no foul called, and in the strictest view of reality, it had ZERO effect on the outcome of the play. how about we spend four pages going over the missed face masks? Just as pointless.
  12. Good god....bent, concerned....whatever....you are certainly a champion for this particular penalty on this particular play. The problem I see is that you think it is arbitrarily called, but the issue is that you get to review the play from several camera angles. it isn't an arbitrary call, its a judgement in part as well as simply a factor of conscious recognition of the problem while a human being is also trying to detect several other pre-snap/at the moment of the snap/and post snap possible fouls. As someone else said, this wasn't a "give it to them" moment, it was judged, by those officials on the field to be a legal formation based on their judgement. Only there is evidence (by reviewing all of the plays) that every other instance they used a different set of judgement parameters, it is simply a case of the play being subject to human judgement. That part of the game will NEVER be eliminated. And hey Lurker....bl*w me.
  13. well, since you are so bent about this.....it only matters if you go through every play by both teams and verify that every play but that one was officiated correctly with regards to this rule. make sure to ignore all of the other missed calls or mystery calls.
  14. wow, i would reply but your response is actually frightening in it's tone of persecution and religion ...which no one but you brought up and has no place in this discussion whatsoever. Your history of anti-tebow/anti-christian sentiment is documented well on this board, so my "attack" as you call it was simply pointing out, you didn't mention the Broncos TD, but the Tebow TD. "I have a question: Will attending the Denver game on Christmas Eve count as Midnight Mass? PTR " yuk yuk...good one "The Tebow era may be over. Cue the plagues of locust. PTR " another gem And clearly, you are not speechless.....ever. But, if i misinterpreted the intent of your initial post, I apologize.
  15. so out of curiosity, why harp on this missed call, but not the missed face masks or even the inadvertent whistle that was really a result of an official not correctly officiating the game? How is this different than the seemingly millions of missed calls that occur every single season....such as a hold that allows a QB an extra second to get off a pass that wins a game? Lastly, so Greg Aiello is lying? or is he uninformed?
  16. uh yeah, do you? "something highly caustic or severe in effect, as criticism. " You are clearly as anti-Tebow as they come.....your post title doesn't say Broncos TD, it says Tebow TD which clearly indicates you are STILL trying to discredit the performance as somehow illegal. What else you got? here you go....read it and weep (maybe gnash your teeth too) Linky
  17. Great....bobby bowden can play satan. Which proves that GOOD ALWAYS BEATS EVIL.
  18. Nice try....keep that Tebow vitriol coming. Update....(I will try to find a link for you) NFL spokesman Greg Aiello says the formation was legal. "This is a legal formation," he told NFL.com. "This should not have been flagged." It's not exactly an in-depth rules explanation, but it's definitive. Heard the audio on the radio.
  19. Its amazing how everyone will make excuses for Tim Tebow winning.....rather than just admitting he played very well. So is Ike Taylor not the Steeler's starting CB? Did the first throw to D. Thomas not go perfectly over the CB's head, or the pass to the TE Fells in the middle of the field for 30 some yards...was that not on the money? Would you like me to go find a list of the Broncos' injuries....or don't they count. by the way, the broncos were without their starting free safety, brian Dawkins, you may have heard of him.
  20. How is that lucky? Lucky would be a ball bouncing off a defender's helmet and going straight to a receiver for a touchdown. The opposing team's running back making a mental error and fumbling the football as a result of a hit isn't luck. Luck is random, like a lottery ticket, your examples are results of decisions, effort and events.
  21. And the Rams beat the Saints, and the Chiefs beat the Packers....don't be so obtuse. Because Denver didn't win EVERY SINGLE GAME....whether against good or bad opponents, doesn't mean there isn't something to be learned from the scheme. Teams have good and bad days. I think the possibility of what Cam Newton, Vick, RG III and Tebow (arguably) can do on any play especially if it is an actual part of the game plan (planned read option runs vs scrambling) can present real headaches for a defense. Despite the "lucky" comment, the steelers took a pick your poison mentality and on sunday, Tebow brought his A++ game and made them pay.
  22. Last meeting, Denver put up 252 yards rushing with over a 100 yards rushing in the first quarter. Then the turnover bug hit. Win or lose, i see the broncos putting up nearly 300 yards rushing on NE. If Denver wins the turnover battle or is even, this game is close. Its funny (ironic) that many people think the 32nd ranked defense will be more successful than the 1st ranked defense when clearly Denver has a whole new confidence in their offensive play selection. McCoy won't get cute, will run the ball predominantly on first down and take his shots here and there. The Bills put up 21 before the wheels fell off, i think Denver can do the same with a better defense and a newly confident offense.
  23. People were actually already talking about the Pittsburgh-New England match-up before the game. Now, I think everyone can envision a scenario where Denver could win at Gillette. I think the line is at 13.5....which means the wiseguys want the action on Denver....and the wiseguys are usually right.
  24. bwahaha....how about giving him credit for posting the highest playoff QBR (whether you think it is a valid measure or not) since they started evaluating it.....one of only three QBs in HISTORY to throw for 300 yards score 3 tds and have no interceptions in a playoff game. Set the record for the longest TD in an overtime game and the shortest overtime game in history. All done against the #1 passing defense in the league.... oh wait....waaaaa, they steelers had injuries....waaaaaa....ben was hurt.....waaaaaa....whatever. How about acknowledging that as always, the refs did everything they could to help the steelers. I am laughing at your latest slights to a QB who in his 15th start in the NFL just put up the highest per pass average ever.
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