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Everything posted by Garranimal

  1. I would only take Mike McCoy if he brings Peyton Manning along as his signal caller. Otherwise, pay someone off the street to call run, run pass on third and long, kick. Mike McCoy didn't invent the read option, he simply implemented a bad version of it last year. This year's success is all Manning.....ALL!
  2. "Imfamy"?? (damn you for editing!) Otter: [to Boon] Germans? Boon: Forget it, he's rolling.
  3. Did Jimmy Johnson coach in the NFL before he went to the cowboys? Granted, he did coach the most highly paid team in college football.
  4. I happen to own hirechrispetersen.com........should i fire that baby up?
  5. I would have to agree completely. Of course Nick Saban isn't a rah rah guy, but I would take him over most the form pro HC retreads.
  6. Sounds great to me and he is a huge fan of Tim Tebow.....in fact I believe that Montreal owns the CFL rights to Tebow. Just sayin'....lol. Link to article
  7. I completely understand that line of thinking....i would just love to see the Bills make a bold move and get out of the retread - old guy - safe pick carousel. I am just that is just hindsight gun-shy on my part. I used to think that Jim Leavitt was going to be a real pro HC prospect and then he lost his mind and made a huge error in judgment at USF. Believe me, I profess to be no genius at picking Head Coaching talent.
  8. Charlie is an agressive defensive guy, with a great attitude and has made dramatic impact everywhere he has been. His work as HC at Louisville this year has been nothing short of amazing. While i am not sure that they deserve the Sugar Bowl bid, I do think they had a great year considering the draw of that program. It isn't just a fun name in my opinion, he is just as good a prospect as Jim Harbaugh was and nobody questioned his hiring. Now had i said.....uh......Lane Kiffen.....you would be right to pile on!
  9. Quote me his fourth quarter completion %. Again, handcuffing means run, run then throw on third and long/low percentage play. Do i need to go look up the play calling stats? It is quite possible that the play calling and the completion percentage are directly related and vice versa.
  10. Actually, i believe McCoy handcuffed Tebow for three quarters every game and started doing the same thing to Manning until Manning decided it was time he took over as OC. Now McCoy gets paid to be Manning's cheerleader. Hell, even the Raiders passed on this guy.
  11. Charlie Strong......Catch this guy on the rise!
  12. Your point is valid. I think it would be interesting to see Tebow get a shot where he is supported fully. Not maligned for weeks prior to being given a "short leash" opportunity. Look at guys like Ponder and Josh Freeman who have the freedom and support to go out and play and more importantly, learn the QB position for more than a few games before being threatened about losing their jobs. Look at last year in Denver, Tebow wins 6 straight and is being threatened of losing his job after 3 losses.....as if the Broncos were supposed to be good and he was holding them back. They were 4-14 previous to him becoming QB. Talk all you want about the Denver D and/or special teams, those same guys were 1-4 to start the season and abysmal the season before. Say what you want about Andrew Luck, and boy that guy has all the tools, but does anyone realize he was leading the league in turnovers before Sanchez imploded on MNF? Even if the Colts only had 1 win on the season, that guy would get every shot possible to play himself out of the league. In a sense, Luck can go out and take huge risks and throw numerous interceptions because he knows the job is his. That goes a long way in learning how to play the position given his talents. The flip side of that argument is a guy like Fitz who has the support and confidence, takes the risks, turns the ball over (a lot) but never really improves......which give tangible proof that he is limited from a talent standpoint.
  13. So your point that some guys are ahead of others is valid yet doesn't in any way indicate a conclusion. The league is littered with examples of guys who started hot and then fizzled as well as guys who didn't seem to have any shot at success and got better. Matt Flynn and Steve Young are examples but are not meant as comparisons. To base any decision on what the Jets organization does is a shaky proposition at best.
  14. Vikings? Steelers? No reason to imagine it as it has already happened. The guy has a season worth of starts and for every clunker of a game I can give you another game of 300 yards passing or a great comeback.....basically sounds like an inexperienced QB. Strip away all of the talking head (huge windsor tie knot) bias, the opinions vomited as absolute fact and look at the actual game footage from every game he has either played in or started and he is right on the normal curve of QB development but with more wins than most. The other point to consider is to look at the first 8-10 games the broncos w/ Peyton played this year. Horrendous first half offensive stats followed by good second halves. Sound familiar? Until Peyton basically began running his game plan, rather than Fox/McCoy's, the broncos were getting the same type (not the same exact) of results. When Tebow was allowed to play wide open he excelled. Otherwise, someone please explain his league leading 4th quarter QBR numbers.
  15. Uh, i would take Tebow in a heartbeat over the passionless dreck we have watched for the last several years. Kinda strange how that read option was working like a charm today against our very expensive (and overpaid) D-line. Strange, given your screen name, that Jimbo is one of the proponents for bringing in Tebow.....and people want Kelly to coach this team. While I think Kelly as a coach is a huge reach, it couldn't possibly be worse than what we have seen for the last 8-10 years.
  16. uh, no contest, i will take Tebow...especially when the issue is about deep ball accuracy. Look it up.
  17. i love how this mantra keeps getting repeated.....please explain to me how the refs are making it more dangerous for the players? Do the refs protect the players during a play? No, they call a foul when a play is completed. Do the refs make it safer to play football? No, the players themselves decide how safe it is or isn't. If a PLAYER hurts another PLAYER because he thinks he can get away with it with replacement refs, how about removing that player from the league.....isn't that how is should work? Isn't this exact issue the problem we have with criminals in society?
  18. ....is available! Just sayin'
  19. Interesting, so QBs do get sole credit for wins?
  20. While i am hoping for a complete dismantling of the Jets, I do find it interesting how our preseason doesn't have any significance, but the Jets preseason is precisely accurate.
  21. i was well aware....i was fanning the flames....not dousing them.
  22. I guess the fact that he was back in practice today in a good mood and working hard ruins this whole crusade..... didn't Favre have a seriously heated conversation with Chili? By the way, if they were separated....there is no telling what "would have happened".
  23. Maybe that is because the majority of his issues have been internal football problems and not DUI's, domestic violence or arrests for peeing in public. Additionally, are there any Vikings who didn't have a problem with Brad Childress? Yes, the same Brad Childress who was fired and out of work for two years and now holds the prestigious title of "Offensive Coordinator.....for the Browns".
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