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Everything posted by Garranimal

  1. Ok, but how often do you post on warchant.com?
  2. I don't know about all that......I do know that a big dildo was thrown on the field.
  3. As soon as college tuition, class fees, books, food, trainers are free for everyone, we can talk about how students who play sports are not compensated. A guy/gal who trades skills in wrestling or lacrosse or gymnastics for an education is in the same position as a star QB at Ohio State except nobody pays to see them compete. The full house, the beers sold and whatever else which generates profit at the football games is used to provide scholarships and food and training facilities for all of the athletes. Hey wait, maybe we should make the athletes from the non-profiting sports pay the football players. At this point, i would prefer to watch a bunch of 2 star athletes who value the education play crappy college football then to continue to listen to select few athletes who are on the cusp of making tens of millions of dollars thanks to amateur athletics whine about not making money right now.
  4. Rules are rules.....you may not agree with a rule or law, but that doesn't give you the right to decide to break them. If he didn't like the NCAA take his ass to canada and play there or in the arena league. Make no mistake that these kids are using the system as much as the system is using them. could you stop stalking my posts? I'm flattered, really.
  5. fixed it for you. Um, it's clear he has never had a moral compass.
  6. Goff and Wentz definitely need to up their game some.....maybe a gang rape followed up with some petty theft. These guys just don't seem entitled enough for my taste!
  7. Agreed....good god, what is wrong with people. Almost as bad as the FSU fans and their undying defense of Crabman the Rapist. I hope they put up a statue of Ol' Fivehead in Indy......likely with this detail (from the "Bronco" statue at Denver Airport??!!) as a celebration of who he really is. I'm sorry, but everything about that Denver airport is really f'ed up.
  8. I would have to say you are only arguing a small portion of reality here. You are absolutely correct in saying that the frequency of contact with a QB has not changed dramatically as the rules have changed little in the trenches. Conversely, it is undeniable that the nature of the contact itself has been heavily legislated and therefore the overall severity has been reduced. Additionally, the rules are night and day beyond the line of scrimmage which has manifested itself in at least three ways: higher completion percentages, greater yardage totals and fewer ints (maybe, i am just guessing on that one). <<(maybe higher TD totals would have been the better choice, or better TD to INT ratios)
  9. I am not sure the amount of talent today is any different than it was 30 or 40 years ago. As Bills fans we were (eventually) lucky to get to participate in the QB class of '83. But a look around the league at that time and there were a lot of teams suffering with pretty poor QB play. Time and distance has resulted in a romanticizing of the quality of some of those average-at-best QBs. We are talking about guys like Chris Chandler, Toy Eason, Wade Wilson, Chris Miller, Bubby Brister........ Even Joe Montana was average at that point (32 yo) with 18 TDs and 10 Ints compared with maybe Dan Marino who had 28 TDs and 20 ints (Kelly had 15 TDs and 17ints and went 12-4!!!). Today, so many factors are impacting QB transition from college to pro. There are a lot of very creative offensive minds and schemes being run in college that either won't work in the NFL or aren't being embraced by the 40-50 coaching retreads we see float around the league every year. Notably, Alabama, Stanford, Notre Dame and FSU all run pro-style offenses and are all powerhouse programs and they haven't turned out pro QBs at any noticeably better rate than anywhere else. The Chip Kelly circus aside, there just hasn't been enough crossover of college systems into the NFL to really make a determination as to whether they will ultimately gain a foothold. Meanwhile, those dirty no-good cheatin' Patriots* have incorporated a hybrid college spread and are making it work with seemingly underwhelming talent. I mean, Teddy Marchibroda should be considered the father of all college schemes.....hell of modern football offense in general. The run and shoot (Mouse Davis) in houston lead to the K-gun in Buffalo which directly lead to Peyton Manning. The abject failure of guys like Steve Spurrier, Nick Saban and Chip Kelly (maybe) seem to indicate that there is no translation of those offenses to the NFL but i would also point out that neither Spurrier or Saban had any real talent and certainly didn't hang around long enough to really impose any changes. Chip Kelly is an outlier right now and if he succeeds it may trigger guys like Urban Meyer and Jimbo Fisher to shop their wares in the NFL. Ultimately, i think the major gap between college offenses and the NFL coupled with the reduced window for acceptable success has the appearance that the Pro game is churning through QBs, but I'd bet if you did the math, the numbers are relatively stagnant.
  10. Yes, I think that testimonies that are just coming out now should be characterized as fictional. Secondly, there weren't four people there, there were three and now a new paid Manning eye-witness. If this dude had such important information 20 years ago, he would have testified long before ol' Archie reached into his son's future pockets and settled this suit. The amount of money now generated by major college football programs means that everyone on the gravy train is morally compromised to keep things rollin'. (see FSU, re Jameis Winston, Delvin Cook or PSU, Jerry Sandusky) In Florida, that gravy train includes people at the State Attorney's office, local Police Department and retired judges.....so do I doubt the validity of some low to mid-level UT lifer-employee coming out and disparaging a woman who dared accuse UT football royalty of wrong doing and in the midst of numerous other allegations, you bet your ass I do.
  11. Yeah, straight from a UT employee.....doesn't get any more credible than that. I wonder why UT wants only the Manning allegation removed....does that mean all of the other ones are true or are they just willing to sell out everyone else to kiss Peyton's oft offered moon?
  12. wow, it is downright shocking that people who work or worked at the university that Peyton donates to would be in such lockstep on their characterizations of the two parties and diametrically opposed to testimony given by others who interestingly, are not employed by UT. That school is rotting from head.....see Butch Jones as the latest example. ....who just happens to be his college roommate. Man that guy has some wicked-good timing! He just happened to be in the training room and now just happens to remember the incident and is shocked...i say shocked....to NOW learn about the story. Anyone not think that Archie Manning is DB megalomaniac of the first order?
  13. I know every other team in the SEC east is regretting it.
  14. Wow. Boom! Drop the mic and walk off stage! (I couldn't have said it any better myself, except maybe to mention that college stats matter for every position in football, except a QB that someone thinks sucks)
  15. I completely agree! He should have been kicking the crap out of buffalo police officers! what's he doing in philly anyway?
  16. You seem to think that because you state something over and over that it is true. That Amendola did not make contact with the crown of his helmet may very likely (most likely) have been by design and not accident. You are taking what you see and applying your own interpretation of what you think could've would've should've happened....uh, but didn't. Amendola positioned his head how many players do when preparing for a shoulder tackle. Could or should he have had his head up, medically yes that is preferred, realistically that posture occurs multiple times in every football game played....included the sand lot tackle games without helmets or pads. As I stated, that is a text book shoulder tackle as it has been taught forever. The heads-up tackling program is to teach children (again, children) the proper technique for safe tackling to protect them against neck injuries. That doesn't mean every tackle on every play would result in the guy with his head craned back so his head is up. You are oversimplifying a very complex set of motions with a catchy program name. Lastly, i have addressed every one of your opinions (which you confuse with facts) but you have made it perfectly clear that you believe you know things that cannot be proven. I have even quoted the rule book which is what defines an illegal "crown of the helmet" foul. Beyond that, i stated that you attacked a poster and added nothing to the conversation, then posted the quote as evidence...and you have yet to address that. You clearly believe you are right, so based on that, you are right....you "win" the argument and I "lose", all evidence to the contrary is just chaff.
  17. Very late to the thread, but I love this hire. In fact, I think (hope maybe) Ed Reed will be a head coach in the next 3-5 years. A lot of less-than-desirables come out of THE U, but Reed is a class act, thinking man's man who is a leader of men. He will be a great addition at One Bills Drive. I would love to see him stick around long enough to move up in this organization.
  18. uh here's your comment towards another poster: "Nothing is suspendible for your favorite team. If a guy made a hit on Brady the same way you'd be calling for a jail sentence. Amendola could have broken his own damn neck. He's an idiot." If I have to explain how that is an attack and adds nothing to the topic.....I am just wasting time. It's a discussion board, so have a discussion.
  19. You don't want a discussion, you just want to be nasty and negative, which is pointless. Based on the mechanical function of vertebrae, it is infinitely more difficult to break a neck by forcing the head backwards as it is when being tucked under and forced down.....ala darryl Stingley. Again, a glancing side blow of a helmet is not a penalty. A shoulder pad the makes contact to the chest and up under the chin is by definition not a penalty. But the pendulum is so far to one side right now, any tackle that results in the head appearing to snap in any direction gets called as a personal foul. But the discussion was about spearing, which it was not.
  20. This is what drives me crazy about this board. Why not comment on the topic....what is the point of a post simply to attack a poster. Who cares if he likes the patriots....that has nothing at all to do with the topic of spearing on that play. The bigger issue from an infraction stand point is that the hit occurred when the player did not have the ball. That is an issue, the tackle was a text book shoulder tackle. Until they make a human whose head doesn't protrude past his shoulders, the helmet will have to pass by before the shoulder can make contact.
  21. oh googly moogly....note the bolded part!!!! A penalty called when a defensive player makes a tackle that leads with the crown of his helmet into the offensive player. If the initial contact occurs at the top of the helmet, the tackle is illegal.
  22. The crown is the top of the helmet....you know where the stripe is on most team's helmets. Does Amendola have a patriot logo on the top of his helmet?
  23. Spearing requires the crown of the helmet, he made contact with the patriot logo.....it is so not spearing that it could be used to teach what not to call as spearing. Forget the uniforms....or don't...if this is one of our boys everyone is bitching that we get hosed on every call.
  24. Filthy? Are you kidding me???? That is a great gif. Amendola's helmet never makes contact.....watch it yourself.....the other player's helmet never moves until Amendola's shoulder pad make contact under his chin strap. That is damned near a text book tackle. Amendola's helmet contacts the other dude's shoulder pad and vice versa. This crap has gotten out of hand where now just a simple hard jarring hit results in people demanding suspensions.
  25. Its true, he did. 10 years ago. They're called the Gators and they pummelled the crap out of an arrogant, overrated Ohio State team (and their fans) in Arizona.
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