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Everything posted by Bufcomments

  1. Fitz is a 6 win guy in this league. Sure he will have a bomb game now and then but he still throws that killer INT. I like E.J. upside WAY more than Fitz, even tho Fitz knows the game better but just does not have EJ's skill set.
  2. Stevie is a good guy and I hope he does well out in San Fran.
  3. I say Freddie should still start early in the season. C.J is gonna get like 10-12 carries a game. Freddie is gonna get his share early. But I think the Bills are gonna save Brown for later in the season. He is gonna be very fresh say around the 10th game. Freddie has been getting hurt more often than not. It was amazing that he got that many yds and TD's last year. I think getting Brown was insurance just in case Fred OR CJ gets hurt and has to sit out a long length of time. This way they can shut whoever gets hurt down and let them heal proper before putting them back out there which was not the case last year.
  4. Man i hope so. As I said the Bills need to play the best QB on the team that can help them will games and at this point I don't care if it is EJ or Tuel.
  5. Let me say this... If the coaching staff gives Tuel some time with the first unit at any point this summer then we know what the coaching staff is thinking. Until that happens EJ is the man. But at a certain point Coach Marrone is gonna lose faith that EJ is the guy. Is he there yet?? I think by no means is Coach to that point yet. But I have my doubts on EJ right now , that's all I'm saying.
  6. Well he strikes me as a person that hates to lose, and it shows. I hope it rubs off on the team because they have been losers for way to long. Post of the day and I agree.
  7. Hey it works for them, maybe he learned something ...
  8. You maybe on to something here ....Tuel had the Chiefs beat last year until the INT in the end zone and that was a bad play call IMO
  9. At this point I like Tuel over Lewis. He is getting better. He can be a poor mans Frank Riech if he keeps this up. I dont want to be the one to say he is showing more progress in this offense than E.J. but I wont go there even tho I just did. lol
  10. Every time I go to TO , I have a good ass time as well. Good people up there, I love the city. But He said it off the record. He got thrown under the bus by a reporter trying to make a name for himself. But still love Dre and can't wait to see ANOTHER Bill from the 90's go into the Hall of Fame.
  11. I have been saying this for years. The Bills as a whole are fill of nice guy that don't get into trouble. Maybe there are not enough guys on the club that play with " I'm gonna kick your ass all day " mode. I see a little of that coming from A.Williams. Woods has a mean streak as well. Maybe Eric Wood. But the player who may have the most is the smallest guy on the team. and that's Robley. That guy is all Heart. Just wish he was bigger. I hope that Spikes can show them what it takes coming from the Pats.
  12. I just listened to Stevie comments. And he was right. Would you say Mario Williams is a true leader? I think without naming any names this is what Stevie is talking about. Mario maybe is the most gifted player on the team, and even is getting paid like it, but does he lead the team like say Talley did. You need your BEST players to team the team by the throat and demand we will not lose. I love the fact he said they have to be militant to win. I think maybe Kyle Williams needs to be so pissed off about losing he needs to call some of these guys out, not maybe in the media but closed door, keep it in the fam. I know the team is tired of losing. Freddie has to be as well. Maybe somebody needs to be the guy in the locker room to do it. But Stevie nailed it. Best interview I heard in a LONG time. Spikes might be the guy to show them how to win, his name skipped my mind. Maybe he will show them.
  13. well isn't Sammy not acting like a rookie, #ILikeIt
  14. Yea this. C.J. out the backfield as well. Bills do have a better WR overall than the Pats.
  15. Not surprising she stayed. Big Money = Big drama
  16. A heavy weight matchup. Might be better than Stevie vs Revis. We gonna find out just how good Sammy REALLY is vs the Pats. And you know Bellicheat is gonna put Revis straight on Watkins the whole game. I cant wait to see it. Worth the price of the ticket itself. Who gonna win? First game I say Revis because of experience. Second game I say Sammy. Thoughts ??
  17. When i played (in college) we did gasers the first year. Lots of the lineman failed including me. It was about 90 degrees that day ,I remember like it was yesterday because I thought I was gonna die that day lol. If you failed you had to run a mile in a certain amount of time. Then presto everybody passed the mile run. Like I said not worried about Dareus at all. He passed today so he could not have been that out of shape.
  18. this is all overblown. None of the guys are in football shape until your out there in pads for about 2 weeks. Your body has to adjust to the extra weight of the pads and your body has to get back into the flow of the hitting as well. Now if Marcell was a WR this would be a huge problem. But he is a DT. Has has to control about a 5 yd area. Not worried at all about this. He will be ready to go in Sept full steam.
  19. We shall find out soon enough about what the league does. Nothing has come down yet tho.
  20. Actually I want him to stay in the pocket and make the throws. Bet those legs got stronger for sure tho.
  21. Not worried about Dareus. To me the Bills are just holding him down to keep him fresh for the season. We will see him starting against the Bears opening day. Next topic??
  22. Totally agree. Robert James was a shutdown corner BEFORE there were shut down CB's. Brings back some good memories of the Fergie era Bills
  23. I partly tore my ACL while jumping to block a shot in a pickup BB game. Blocked the shot but landed wrong. Just a freak accident, can happen to anybody playing sports. Too bad it happened but if it was gonna happen let it be now, he should be almost 100 by the this time next year sad to say.
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