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Posts posted by billsfan714

  1. Evans and TO's production is a direct result of an inept QB who wont throw to them and an inept OC who doesnt know how to adjust a game plan as a result of that to get them involved. So, yes we are paying them a lot, they are worth what we those WR's, but it does us no good unless you get a QB who isnt afraid to throw to them or doesnt give up on the play at the first sign of a rush.


    I agree with ya. Ralph should know you have to spend money on a good coach who bring other good coaches and GM. You can race with a Ferrari but if your grandmother is driving I doubt you win a race.

  2. Where to start.


    Lee Evans--- 6 games 227 receiving yds 2 TD's. Averaging a whopping 37.8 yards per game. Projected 2009 season stats 604 yds and 5.23 touchdowns.


    Owens---6 games 215 receiving yds and 1 TD. Averaging a blistering 35.8 yards per game. Projected 2009 season stats 573 yards 2.65 touchdowns


    How many millions are we paying for the production???


    Bills QBs---1017 passing yards and 7 TDs. Averaging 169.5 yards per game. Projected 2009 season stats 2712 yards

    18.5 TD


    Our runningbacks are on pace for ZERO TDs, yes Jackson and Lynch do not have a rushing TD, in fact no Buffalo PLAYER has scored a rushing TD in SIX GAMES. Our entire rushing offense, including everyone on the team, is on pace for a total of 1947 yards and a mind boggling ZERO TDs.


    Put the rushing and receiving together and our TEAM is on pace for 18.5 TD's in the 2009 season


    It would be sad if it wasnt so funny.

  3. And yet, knowing all of this, and not knowing if Carson would be able to come back from the injury that forced him out of the last 12 games, they let Fitzpatrick get away. This is apparently the second team to let this hidden talented gem of a QB get away.......again. But hey, with John Guy's track record, why not take his and everyone around TBD's word for how good he is, after his 10-25, 116 yard performance in 5 quarters vs. the Jets. :rolleyes:


    Amen, somehow Cincy felt better with JT O'Sullivan and Jordan Palmer as backups. And made no effort to resign Fitzpatrick.

  4. So, this is finishing the year "strong"?


    vs. (8-8) Washington 16-29-209, 1TD

    at (4-12) Cleveland 5-9-55, 1 TD (Played the full game)

    vs.(2-14) KC 18-30-129



    Looks like more of the same garbage if not worse. And it wasn't his first significant action. He started 12 games last year.



    I with ya. Thats an average of 131 yds a game and 2/3 of a touchdown per game average in his "finish strong" win steak. Feel the Fitzpatrick fever.

  5. Ocho Dinko continued in his poutings cold hands, poor route running last season. Receivers other than TJ Housh and Dinko dropped like files with injury.


    See also the destruction of their OL etc. last season with injury.


    ..."But you can't get down on Bengals coach Marvin Lewis. He was asked to compete with a team that lost a league-high 84 games by starters because of injury. Only seven of his 22 starters were available to him for all 16 games, and only five started all 16.


    Tell me - what QB looks good with that? Especially a #2 that gets tossed in mid-season?





    As someone who lives in Steeler country, I'm not surprised that you don't know what's going on. I lived there for about 11 years, and yuns is typical...go buy some new tars for your cor. Or go out and get some feesh for supper. Then go red up the room.




    Please make more fun of PA accents cause Im with ya since I was born and raised in Buffalo NY. But back to Fitzpatrick, dude hes AVP or Kelly Holcomb, nothing to get excited about. Check Ochocinco's career worst stats with Fitzpatrick at the helm.

  6. Actually no, I dont think Leodis was told, hey watch out, their going to try to stand you up and strip the ball. As soon as someone gets near you get down. I think this because he didnt do any of those and was returning kicks the next week.

  7. Does anyone out there remember Mark Kelso?


    "The Great Gazoo"


    Unfortunately yes. Always remember a playoff game against the Raiders, during the superbowl years. Tim Brown caught a deep pass and was running for yards when Kelso was just coming into the picture, had to be 40 yars past the line of scrimmage. Never seen a safety play that deep. Definetly one of the weaker links on the SB years defense.

  8. Yeah Bobby doesnt need to make sure to tell Mckelvin not to get stood with just over 2 minutes to go, doesnt need to tell him to get on the ground or when to not even run it out with an onsides kick return team on the field. Doesnt need to do anything. Just let them play. Pfffffffft. Thats exactly what a coach is supposed to do during the game. Bobby April has benefited from having a great punter and the Bills drafting some pretty good returners. As a coach i dont think he deserves any genius label. Its little things that can win and lose games, and as Jeff Wright(the poster above) said about being 4-2. As bad as this team has looked at times, it is amazing how close we were to being 4-2 if it wasnt for 2 absolute boneheaded special teams plays.

  9. Byrd looks like the real deal, and to you doubters...yeah we do judge a player by production on the field. I look foward to getting rid of Donte and his millions and spending it elsewhere. Yearly sack totals....Draft 1 Maybin 0.

  10. I agree it can be turned around. Miami is for sure a great example. Denvers defense went from being swiss cheese to one of the best in one year. This team needs a disciplinarian who can install some motivation. Hopefully we will get a ream GM and Modrak is gone. I agree his record is luckluster. Buffalos search to replace Jim Kelly has been to invest (3) numbers ones, a 2, 3, 4, and 5th round draft choices to get Rob Johnson, Drew Bledoe, JP Losman and Trent Edwards. The Whitner over Ngata choice was just about inexcusable in my book.


    This team has to have money to spend, especially if we get a good GM. Cut Parrish and his millions, cut Josh Reed and his millions, I think Steve Johnson can do what Reed does and more, only cheaper. TO will be gone theres another 7.5 million to spend. How much did we save getting rid of Walker, Dockery and Peters. Theres some more millions. If Maybin can bulk up you can get rid of Kelsay and his millions. If Byrd can play FS better than Whitner and cheaper then bye bye Donte. Never thought much of Whitner as SS. Maybe Ralph is saving money this year to eat Maurons final two years. But there is definetely money to spend to address a few of our needs in free agency next year.


    Whoever we draft were not good enough to spend high picks on people who wont contribute. ala Maybin. Were not the Steelers where they can draft Ziggy Hood and not immeadiately need him. We need at least 2 impact starters from the draft. I dont care which need they fill but the 1 and 2 picks have to start and contribute.

  11. Really? Peyton Manning owes his success to Jim Mora? Jim Kelly owes his to Hank Bullough?


    Matt Ryan and Joe Flacco made the playoffs as rookies playing under the stable leadership of rookie coaches?


    Same thing swith Mark Sanchez. Rex Ryan's experienced staff has developed him into a franchise-caliber QB in all of 4 NFL games?


    I'd love to see your list of QBs who came out of college with the talent and ability of a Kelly, Marino, Elway, or even Flacco or Ryan, who were broken by poor coaching.


    Either a QB has the ability to be a franchise QB or he doesn't. The key isn't in the development, it's in identifying those players in the draft.


    A big amen there. Sorry to the Checkdownwards defenders but there hasnt been improvement in his performance. Things you see in a Flacco and Ryan.

  12. Id love to see it. Mauron, Modrak, and Guy would all go, Russ could stay in the business side but he would be out of the football decision business. Over the last decade plus some, I would honestly take some bills fans who are draftniks to out draft this team. To make better personel decisions. I would like to know the total draft picks that were invested in the human sack Rob Johnson, the statue Bledsoe, the never was Losman and the deer in the headlights Trent Checkdownwards.

  13. Well except for Rothlisberger and Rogers, right? Those two guys aren't protected any better than Edwards, but they make plays all over the field.


    Even with a bad line, Edwards should be able to make a play here and there that makes you say, 'that's our QB of the future.'


    Name a play in Trent's carerr where he showed franchise QB potential. He's completed a couple of long passes, but he's missed on way more bombs than he's hit.


    Most of the big gainers the Bills make are dump-offs to RBs who pile up the YAC.


    The guy just doesn't have it. If he's better than Fitzgerald, let him finish out the year, but the Bills should be open to any opportunity in the offseason to replace him with a true QB that the team can be built around.


    Totally agree. Rogers did some great things despite having to throw with Jared Allen in his face all day and Big Ben has been doing the same. Cripe with have like 15 million spent on 2 receivers, whose production makes them not even startable in fantasy football. He isnt progressing and thats disturbing with the skill position talent on offense. I agree with the sentiment that I thought fitzpartrick was a weak backup signing. Cincy would now be 5-0 if it wasnt for a fluke play. Pretty much the same team but Palmers in and Fitzpatrick is out. So Fitzpatrick is basically Losman or Checkdownwards. At his point..yeah Id give Hamdan a shot for one game. What are we going to do worse than 3 points against the 31st ranked defense if Hamdan started?,

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