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Posts posted by billsfan714

  1. Apparently that won't involve you. I'd like to look back on your opinion of the following....

    Hiring Dick Jauron.

    J.P. Losman as a starting QB.

    Whitner over Ngata.

    Trading up for McCargo.

    Maybin over Orakpo.

    Extending Dick Jauron.

    How dare anyone speak out about a club with such a stellar track record! :thumbsup::wallbash::D


    Ditto. The Bills have earned pessimism. 10 years with no playoffs ring a bell. 10 years with one winning season ring a bell. 10 years of picks used on Rob Johnson, Mike Williams, JP Losman, Trentative, Roscoe, John McCargo, Whitner, Maybin. 10 years of a personel strategy that involves letting what few All-Pros we do have to walk. Sorry but my optimism tank is low....real low.

  2. Well put. The people who are getting so angry at all the negative feedback at the news of the likely hiring of Gailey need to understand that this isn't 2001.


    We've already been sold 3 consecutive "wing and a prayer" candidates who have failed and Gailey is simply one more. If that's the best they could get, that's not by any means a DEFENSE. It's an indictment. Some are acting like we need to be supportive because the Bills are so lowly regarded that they can't do better.


    We have reason to be disgusted with the Bills for running the organization into the ground on the field while we pack the house, season after non-playoff season.


    Totally agree with your sentiments. Maybe some of the disgust is misinterpreted by some fans here. But were disgusted because we really do care, and a lot, and we want this team to win. It didnt take a rocket scientist to know we needed to go in a new direction, and everything thats gone on since DJs firing has been same old, same old, been there, done that. Personally Im sick of setteling for just under mediocrity. This town deserved better.

  3. Maybe you should save this rant until they decide how the coaching staff and the offense is going to be run?


    Either that or I guess I should get my poms-poms out and do somersaults from the excitement of the Chan Gailey hiring.

  4. yet these were done in KC... a place with less talent than even buffalo...


    Actually the part apart losing games where the opposing team scores 15 points or less are from his Cowboy days. Isnt insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So get ready for the screens to the RBs and TE's running the 1 yard out on 3 and 8. This guy is DJ with a different name. Of course were gluttons for punishment, were Bills fans, but god almighty.....Chan freakin Gailey. Sorry Im not in the--I have to approve of everything the Bills do and they shouldnt be criticized.

  5. Ultra-conservative and doesnt like to use the middle of the field, lost lots of games where the opposition scored under 15 points......ah the more things change the more they stay the same. Cant wait till April and the entire room at the NFL draft goes -whaaaaaaaaaaat-when we make our selection. This is has been a bad movie for 10 years and it aint gonna get better.

  6. Well the GM job goes to a 70 year old in-house promotion. The coaching search is approaching embarassment. We have no QB, the OL needs plenty of help, the defense couldnt stop the run, one of our best defenders is considering retirement and as usual our No. 1 pick contributed very little. Exactly what are we to hang on hat on as Bills fans???

  7. Wes Welker is injured


    There goes NE's playoff chances


    For all the criticism the colts have got for resting players, heres a reason you do it. Bilicheck has suffered from his own arrogance this season. From going for on his own 28 against Indy to bypassing a first half FG that would of won the Dolphins game, hes possibly cost his team 2 wins. Im not sure what they had to play for, but losing Welker is a huge blow to that offense.

  8. Yeah Bellichick is a supposed genius, but this may be the worst call in the history of football. Goinng for a first down on your own 28 with the lead on the road, 4th down, well its moronic. How much time did the colt score with? Imagine if they had to go 70 yards instead of 29. This was the most arrogant call Ive EVER seen. Bellicheat lost this game, not his team. The one break the Colt needed, Bill served up on a silver platter.

  9. Lets put the worst of all together. The bills used/traded:


    5-First round picks (Including the 4th and 8th overall selections)

    2-Second round picks

    2-Third round picks

    1-Fourth rounder

    1-Fifth rounder


    And in return got Mike Williams, John McCargo, Rob Johnson, JP Losman, Drew Bledsoe, Whitner and Trentative. Thats not even counting drafting McGahee. Thats the kind of drafting that will set your franchise back a decade.


    I agree with frustration about not trading down. For the most part good teams trade down. Good teams accumulate picks. Good teams trade players for picks before losing them in free agency. You want to know whats scary? In the next 2 drafts the Patriots have 3 numbers 1's including Oaklands in 2011 and 4 number 2s(including Tennessee's and Jacksonvilles 2nds in 2010, which are going go to be high 2nd rounders.

  10. The offense has to be priority 1 in the offseason. QB and two quality OL is a must. I wonder how many plays our defense is on the field because this team is the master of the 3 and out. This offense not only contributes to the woefull points production, but also put so much pressure on this defense. God if we could improve this offense you would get the defense off the field for at least 15 plays a game.

  11. The gay slurs are just a piece of the suspension. Insulting your boss(head coach), in the media, is not a smart thing to do. I dont think too may bosses would be happy if you said they werent qualified to do their job. I doubt a Belichick or Parcells would tolerate this crap. This is from epsn:


    One tweet read: "My father got more creditentials than most of these pro coaches." That was followed by: "My father played for the coach from "rememeber the titans". Our coach played golf. My father played for redskins briefley. Our coach. Nuthn."


    Haley, hired earlier this year to replace the fired Herm Edwards, did not play high school or college football and attended college on a golf scholarship. He did not enter coaching until he was in his 20s. He was hired as Kansas City's head coach after serving as offensive coordinator for the Arizona Cardinals in their Super Bowl run last year.


    Add into the mix Johnson recent history, again from ESPN:

    A two-time Pro Bowler, Johnson was benched for three games by Edwards last year for an unspecified violation of team rules. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell suspended him for the fourth game for violating the league's player conduct policy in connection with incidents involving two women in bars.


    Johnson then was sentenced to two years' probation after pleading guilty to two counts of disturbing the peace. One woman accused him of throwing a drink on her and another said he had pushed her head at a Kansas City night spot.


    Larry Johnson is a malcontent with a poor history, add into that his anemic production and bloated contract, yeah if I was the Chiefs I would be looking to get rid of this cancer.

  12. Donte's last year of this contract is next year, I would have no problem if we dont resign him or even cut him. Whitner is journeyman NFL safety, nothing spectacular, no pro bowls from this top ten safety pick, not a playmaker other than the deflected passs this year. Ill take the other 2 SS and save the millions and spend it elsewhere.

  13. Paul Brown could probably have opened the windows in the front offices in the fall in order to not have to use air conditioning and heat and saved the 300K it would have taken to keep Fitz around. It's grasping at straws at this point.


    No one hates Fitz, but to think this dud is the answer is just awful. As bad as Edwards has been the last couple of games, he's still worth trying to straighten out more than playing Fitzpatrick.




    Totally agree. I dont hate Fitz, i just know he's a journeyman type backup.

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