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Posts posted by billsfan714

  1. OK, folks, who did Bill Cowher suggest to the Rooney family to succeed him as Steelers HC?


    Chan Gailey.


    If you believe that there was never a chance in hell the Cowher would coach the Bills, who would be the next best guy to hire? Hmmmm, how about Cowher's choice?


    Ummm, Chan Gailey.


    I'm pretty happy with the hire of Gailey.


    An offensive minded guy.


    Winning record as HC of Dallas, with 1 playoff game in 2 years.



    And probably cost effective enough to give Chuck Lester a nice raise.


    What? Chuck is gone?!? Oh well.


    Yeah and the Rooney family said no Chan and won a superbowl with their own choice.

  2. I love hearing everyone's free agent ideas (let's get Merriman, Kolb, Wilfork, Joe Montana, Barry Sanders :ph34r: ) However, let's be realistic with free agent thoughts and draft picks. No, we aren't getting Russell Okung or Suh in less we trade up.


    I'm generally opposed to trading down, but I think most of are in agreeance that the best DT's, OT, and QB will probably be off the board at #9. (Suh, Gerald McCoy, Okung, Clausen/Bradford). The only realistic pick worth the #9 slot is McClain. This is who we should take.


    However, here is a realistic scenario of the Bills getting some good value by trading down.


    1. Trade pick #9 (Draft Value 1,350) to the 49er's for pick #17 (Draft Value 950). The 49er's send their second round pick #49 (Draft Value 410) in the exchange. Bills draft picks are valued now at 1,360 and 49er's at 1,350.


    2. The Bills then have picks #17, #41, #48.


    Pick #17 Terrence Cody (DT) An ideal pick, great value, reasonable to assume he will be around at #17 and the perfect start to a 3-4 switch.


    Pick #41 Sergio Kindle (OLB 3-4) The Bills will need another linebacker with a switch to a 3-4. Mock Drafts rate Kindle between #'s 38-50.


    Pick #49 Selvish Capers (LT) The Bills get a solid LT in the mid second round without having to dish out millions of dollars to a top 10 pick on the disputed second best LT in the draft behind Okung.


    The Bills then can address a QB (LeFevour in round #3) and depth in rounds 4-7.


    3. The 49er's with picks #9 and #13 can focus on their most pressing needs QB (Clausen?), OT (Baluga, Williams, or Campbell, or Davis), or they can go with a CB/S, another need.


    This is a realistic way of the Bills building through the draft based on biggest needs. And, it makes sense for both the Bills and the 49er's as a likely and reasonable trade partner.


    You can trade down lower than 17 and still get Cody. The guy doesnt even play many downs in college.

  3. Only need to address a few positions? I thought we had an anemic offense with no QB and a swiss cheese line and one of the worst run defenses in the league this past year. Should be no problem passing the Patriots and Jets in the division with just a few hits in the draft. Guess the Pats with their 3 no. 1s and 4 no.2s, they acquired through DEALING in the next two draft s wont be getting any better.



    Yeah, a few positions. QB, LT, LB. We need talent at those positions, not more mediocre players. If we're switching to a 3-4 then that obviously changes.


    I don't think the Patriots have three number one's. I think they have just one. But they do have three two's. And they've been dealing picks for YEARS, it wasn't just a product of last year's draft. They've ruled the draft for years, but most speculation was that they were gunning for Harvin and outsmarted themselves. And we aren't exactly in the same position as the Patriots. As I said, they drafted for the future. We don't have that luxury. Think more of Cleveland's draft and what a disaster that was.


    The only thing worse than your draft thoughts is your reading comprehension. The pats have those picks in the next 2 drafts. They traded Seymore and have Oaklands number 1 next year, plus their own no.1s this year and next. They got the extra 2s through trading down. Its what the Pats do, acquire more picks. Tell ya what, would ya trade Byrd and Levitre(2 second rounders) for Maybin???

  4. Amen. We only need to address a few positions, but we need to hit on those. People get so obsessed with trading down. If the right opportunity is there and the guy(s) we want aren't, then sure. But otherwise we should take a player of value there that fills one of top needs (LT, QB).




    When was that?? 1978??? No, actually, I don't remember that. I do remember the Browns continuously trading down last year and getting a center and some other below average talent. They had an awful draft. I also remember the Patriots trading down and trading down and missing their targeted player (Percy Harvin). They had a pretty good draft anyway, but then again, they're in a totally different position than we are. Chung, Brace, and Vollmer were all picks for the future. We have holes to fill now.



    Only need to address a few positions? I thought we had an anemic offense with no QB and a swiss cheese line and one of the worst run defenses in the league this past year. Should be no problem passing the Patriots and Jets in the division with just a few hits in the draft. Guess the Pats with their 3 no. 1s and 4 no.2s, they acquired through DEALING in the next two draft s wont be getting any better.

  5. Our team is full of mediocre talent and you want to trade down and acquire more mediocre talent? We have a shot at a difference maker at 9. I don't want to give that up for 2 more middle of the road players.


    Every remember the San Fran draft where they kept trading down and trading down?????


    They ended up with:

    Larry Roberts

    Tom Rathman

    Tim McKyer

    John Taylor

    Charles Haley

    Steve Wallace

    Don Griffin

  6. Its gonna be tough, thats for sure. Exactly how many ACL's is this now for Ronnie Brown, dont think hell be 100 percent all season. Lets face it, the Jets will be tougher with Sanchez having his rookie year behind him and whatever they add in the draft. The Pats will always be good and they have a ton of picks.

  7. I think the one guy thats escapes the criticism he deserves is Stroud. I remember listening to Millen on NFLN during the Toronot game, saying that reviewing the tape, that Stroud was having a bad year. Gets stood up, doesnt play with leverage. With our shower curtain run defense, it was more than apparent that teams gashed us right up the middle. Kyle Williams had a good year, Stroud is a name living off past performance.

  8. Yeah why cant Sully write nice things about all our great seasons. Oh wait we havent made the playoffs this decade and are 1-9 in winning seasons. Why cant Sully write nice things about our great coaches, oh thats right we havent had any. Why cant sully write nice articles about our drafts, oh thats right, they by and large sucked. Why cant Sully write nice things about our awesome owner and front office, oh thats right we dont have one. He could write nice stuff but he doesnt do science fiction. If Foghorn Leghorn (Nix) wanted to shoot down Sully, he could have said Shotty jr didnt turn us down, or Harbaugh didnt turn us down, but I didnt hear any of that.

  9. The Bufflo Bills, looking to break NFL record for consecutive seasons without a playoff appearance, took a major step in attaining that record with the hiring of Chan Gailey. A giddy Ralph Wilson proclaimed "we got our guy, with Chan at the helm we can continue this futility into a new decade." Wilson went on to say "giving the fans of Buffalo no hope is what I do, hopefully a new generation of young fans can experience more years of heartache." On a related note, Bills homers on the stadium wall message board, auditioned to fill the opening for Iraqi information minister created when Baghdad Bob was arrested. Timmy Johnson, of south Buffalo, stated "if I can put a positive spin on Chan Gailey, I wont have any problems telling the Iraqi people that the US Army was stopped at the border."

  10. This decision is not going to sell. Personally, I think there is going to be a drop off in fan support.

    Gee, I can't wait to see our doddering old fool of an owner open up the press conference today.

    Bills fans deserve better than what Ralph is giving. Can a local individual or partnership group please

    buy this team? I just can't stand any more of this.


    Lets hope Ralph knows where and what a microphone is, so he doesnt talk into an overhead projector like he did in camp.

  11. I totally agree with the article. The front office talks a good game---this time their gonna change, were gonna get a top tier coach and GM. Then what happens---they promote from within for the GM job--same old same old and they get a guy nobody was looking at for the HC. Interesting his tenure at Tech involved taking over a good program after O'leary and went to D list bowl games. Didnt the present coach of Tech just go to a BCS game? To all the blind homers desperately trying to spin, well spin until your dizzy. You people put Baghdad Bob to shame trying to polish this turd. When you think this team cant sink lower, when you think they cant make worse decisions, well theres ole Ralphie to suprise the fanbase yet again with same old crap.

  12. When my friend that I share season tickets with asked me if I was going to re-up after the season, I told him of course. The Bills were then trying to lure Shanahan, Cowher, Gruden and Billick to lead this team. Since then the likes of Marty Schott, Brian Schott, Grimm and Harbaugh have said thanks, but no thanks to this team. I have never been embarrassed or ashamed to be a Bills fan until yesterday on my way home to Rochester from Utica when I heard on the radio that Jim Harbaugh turned the Bills down. That was what I thought was rock bottom until today when I hear that Chan Gailey is all but the new HC of my beloved Buffalo Bills. WHAT!!! Are you kidding me? This is Jauron all over. Another clueless puppet on the sidelines who needs to be checked every 10 minutes for a !@#$ing pulse. THIS IS THE BOTTOM!!!!


    I will not renew my season tickets and will not purchase any Bills merchandise until this team is competitive again. I think I will have plenty of time to save my money. Chan FREAKING Gailey??? Unbelievable, or no excuse me, this is unBILLievable. But in all reality it is BILLievable. Until Ralph is taking a dirt nap, there is absolutely NO HOPE for this team.


    Anyone who wants to say I was never a true Bills fan if I think this way, is a complete idiot. I have been a lifelong Bills fan through thick and thin and this is the worst I have ever seen it. To have so many coaches say no, they have no interest in coaching this team, that in itself is a complete embarrassment to me as a Bills fan. I am still a Bills fan, but only from the couch in my home.




    A big F YOU to RW and the Bills franchise. You have ruined what football means to the hard working blue collar WNYers. I am disgusted. Just one fans opinion.


    Dude your not alone, from polls on this board 70-75 percent of the fans are disappointed in this hire. I never thought it would come to Chan FREAKING Gailey. This time was gonna be different. This time we we're going to get some great coaches and a great GM, money was no object, Ralph was gonna open up the purse strings. Things needed to change and Ralph and the front office got the message from the fans. It rapidly went downhill when the big names said no. They took other jobs are were content with waiting in retirement for something better. Then it was getting rebuffed by a coordinator that has never even been offered a HC opportunity. Then it was getting the cold shoulder from an 8-5 Stanford coach, turning down a NFL head coaching gig. And finally, the piece de resistance, the kick in the stomach to Bills Nation, Chan, yes that Chan, FREAKING Gailey. Only the truely dillusional fan will try and spin this in a positive light. You know, like a Pirate fan thinking they have a chance this year.

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