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Posts posted by billsfan714

  1. I wonder how many millions we would have to spend on F/A's next year if we werent paying for Whitner, Stroud, McCargo and Kelsey. Plug Scott in for Donte, start Carrington for Stroud, McCargo hasnt done anything for 5 years anyway so no loss there and just let Kelsey go. And if Maybust doesnt show anything in camp next year, hes cut and we have to eat the signing bonus so be it, but at least we arent paying millions in salary for next to zero in production. Seems like more than enough to get LT McNeil and a couple of legitimate LBs.

  2. Any of you Sports Illustrated subscribers out there may have noticed that in the NFL Preview issue, Peter King picked his record for each team, his playoff scenario, and Super Bowl champ. I fully realize it's all for fun, it's impossible to predict, and Peter King is a putz. However, his predicted record for the Bills was a lowly 2-14, tied with Tampa Bay for by far his lowest prediction (he had the Bucs at 2-14 also, with I believe his next worst team at 5-11.)


    Ronde Barber walked to the podium after Tampa's 20-7 win over Carolina, and without waiting for a question, said, "You all can go tell Peter King that we got our two wins!"


    Hahaha, I think it's great...So much for the players blocking out the "outside detractors." You know they read the press and you know it affects them. They'll use anything they can for extra motivation.


    Plus, I love when anybody calls out Peter King. This guy is so wrong, so often, and is unaccountable. If he was a GM he'd be Matt Millen.


    Or head of the Bills scouting department.

  3. You know thats the really sad part. The team is so hopeless we're always looking to next year and some impact players in the draft only to be disappointed year after year. I honestly believe theres draftniks on this board who watch college football, the combine and armed with a few draft magazines that could of put together a better team than the Bills front office. Draft up for Losman--what?, pass on Ngata for Donte--are u kidding me, Mcgahee when we had Henry, Spiller when we have Fred and Lynch, McCargo-are you seriuous, Maybin the project, it goes on and on. We're getting so bad at drafting, its becoming historic.

  4. I understand what you are trying to sell.

    The difference between this year and the past few is the schedule.

    Last years was easy for example. This years is tough. That is why we our record will be worse than last seasons.


    Should be an easy concept to grasp.


    Agree last years schedule was a cakewalk and masked just how bad this football team really is.

  5. Make sure everyone has a good college annual magazine, and watch lots of college football because looking to the draft is the only thing to do for the rest of the year. Somebody else said this but the bills and their leadership made up of the cast of cocoon cant cut in todays NFL. A team this low on talent and not one guy from this years draft is starting. You would think were redshirting guys like a college team. Between last and this year we'll have 10 million in Maybin and the result is about zero production. A 8th pick overall for a non-all pro safety. Paying Spiller 6 million to be a 3rd runningback. Paying Evans what 8-9 million and we cant get him the ball. How many millions previously wasted on Dockery and Langston Walker. McCargo, not only has he been a bust, but we kept him all 5 years of his contract. How many millions do we have into Mitchell and his one year of contribution. 4 million a year for Roscoe and his few hundred yards receiving a year. 3 million for Cornell Green, hell ya could paid someone the league minimum to be that bad. Not only can't we draft but we don't know how to manage a team. Why Modrak stays nobody knows.


    This team is groundhog day, a nightmare rerun with no end in sight. A revolving door of coaches come and go. QB's that never develop. With very few exceptions, drafts that fail to produce starters or difference makers. Our offense for years revolves around 1 decent drive a game or a lone bomb to Evans and the rest of the game is 3 and outs, penalties, turnovers and going backwards. We haven't used, drafted or developed a qaulity TE in I can't remember. Its a part of our offense opposing defenses never have to consider. Our 2nd receiver is either a 7th rounder or a FA with no experience.


    I'll tell you one thing that should be done. Next year at least 5 of the top 6 picks have to go to the offense. Improve the offense and you'll improve the defense too by not having them out on the field the majority of the game because our offense can't do anything with the ball.


    After all this were supposed to get pumped in the off season with the hiring of Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey, god how far have our standards have fallen. Oh yeah Buddy tried to say we wouldnt believe the coaches that wanted the job. Pfft. What we do know is the Cowher, Shanny, Shotty Jr and Harbaugh said no thanks so Chan wasnt at the top of your list either. You had to be drinking the Foolaid to think this duo was gonna be different. My fandom over that last ten years has gone from exited to apathy and to almost loathing this team and organization.

  6. or the fact that they feel like they can afford to pass up using a pick this year and turn it into a higher pick next year...the Bills dont have that luxury


    people keep talking about the Bills needing to trade down and get more picks like thats the answer to everything...maybe they like the guys where they were picking and dont want to risk losing out on them by trading down


    the Bills never trade down yet you guys continue to expect them to....how often did Polian trade down? how did that work out


    TD used to like to make a lot of trades and be the talk of the draft...how did that work out


    Donohoe wasnt big on trading down....Overpaying to trade up...yes. Losman anyone. The Bills draft history over the last 10 years speaks for itself.

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