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Everything posted by fan_in_tx

  1. Jet Sweep - fakes/ reverse etc etc and screen pass if we can ever setup correctly
  2. Why is Greg Roman not on this list with what his high powered offense accomplished this year?
  3. Brady gets the flag on that tackle by Garrett. Rudolph deserved the flag for that tackle as well. Had the flag been thrown this may have been de-escalated
  4. Blue on White pants is the fit in my opinion
  5. Simple he receives $1 per every pass rush that he is held by the OL this year. How many holding calls have gone his way? 0
  6. Kick the tires on Dez. 2 years out of football and achilles repaired, he may be worth a small investment or at least a look.
  7. 2013 Season Opener comes to mind. EJ had Pats down 21-20 3-8 with 1.20 on the clock he makes a 10yd catch.. 2015 week 2 Bills Down 37-32 and momentum he makes a 29 yd catch over A Williams.. I was at both games and he killed us both games
  8. Possible Rub play to open up the outside route to the stick.. to me it looks like Beas is looking for someone to hit inside
  9. If it would have been in the other endzone would it have gone out?
  10. FWIW... Fitz has beaten us before. Almost twice.
  11. When the Raiders move to Vegas .. who will Vegas favor? Are we looking at a possible Raiders 10 yr dynasty?
  12. Looking at StubHub Browns ticket prices dropping like a bad habit. Fans coming back to reality. All except for the BillS game of course.. You Fans in WNY seem to be keeping those prices high.
  13. The Kelly to Thurman shovel pass was terrible I don't think it ever gained yards anywhere. In the Superbowl they only ran it 3 times I think. Re-watched Super Bowl XXVIII the other night and never really remembered how much the Bills really controlled the first half of that game. I recall watching it waiting for them to screw something up. Hence came the 3rd Qtr
  14. This right here.. We should take a page out of Franks book moving forward. Running the ball in the 2nd half took the powerful Cheifs offense off the field. Felt like a throw back to the mid 90's with the game plan. I for one loved it.
  15. The #1 we should really be questioning is Kyler Murray .. If you watched his career through HS and College he was flat out great. He looks lost in Pro offense.
  16. This rule actually sucks.
  17. It's all about the internet speed. I have a Roku TV (TCL) and I have 200mbs download internet, however I stream at about 26 mbps due to my router is far from my set... Great picture and never freezes. If you have a 60 mbs pipe with internet service, if you are using wireless then move your router or buy an extender and put it closer to your TV.. You will see the difference.
  18. All I know is watch the Miami playoff Game.. he was not the problem and should have won that game. Fumbles by Molds and Reed and the Reed ref (no touchdown call) really hurt the team. But Doug had a great game but all anyone will remember on this board is that he held on to the ball 1 sec too long when Thurman missed a block on Trace Armstrong.
  19. Upper deck Seats on Turkey day will go around 175-250 in after market. Hopefully you can score some from the site before the scalper sites grab them up.
  20. Drew Brees did as well prior to his mothers death. What's your point? Family's can be complicated.
  21. I watched the replay of Browns / Bills 1989 Div Playoff game on youtube. That was the best era of football. Good solid tackling, no ref interference and very very few holding calls. As a matter of fact watching the line play on both team you would see solid blocking across the line, no zone schemes just head up beat me if you can. The rules of the game in 1989 were simple to follow. A catch was a catch a hard hit was a hard hit ( no such thing as targeting) defense would try to separate you from the ball. There was one missed call an interception that was called a down ball, but other than that it was the way football was meant to be played. Game sucks today.. too many variables on all plays...
  22. Hauschka is going to win many games for the Bills next season. It's too bad our team could not win one for him. Or at least stick up for him after that shot he took.
  23. Agreed with this. With Buffalo sitting on 70-100 dollar tickets plus a such a small market share in TV revenue, NFL is not generating revenue from this team. This has an effect of how things are called on the field. Patriots hold every single play.. every play, yet I would guess they have the least amount of holding penalties in the league. How is that justified? Revenue.
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