As a diehard Bills fan born and raised in Toronto, I am just as mad/confused/upset as all of you that the Miami game was put up here in Toronto. Now for all the Canadian bashing going on here - I dont understand that either. Those of us that make up 20% of the gameday crowd at the Ralph live and die with the Bills and LOVE that drive to Orchard Park on gameday and wouldn't trade it for the world. The fact is this is hockey country 1st - Raptors have come 2nd and beleive me the ACC is probably one of the best atmophere's in the NBA on gameday. Now for all of you saying it was quiet in there, pro-Miami you are right it was. This is because people like me are a minority here. But at the same time this 20% you dont want to alienate - dont bite the hand that feeds you so to speak. Some of us have season tickets, others drive down on gameday - the fact is we make up 1/5th of the fan base on gameday at the Ralph - this should not be disrespected or dismissed. If i am duped by this and it is a ploy to move the team North I will be just as upset as any of you and I would not support THAT team. There is something special about being a Bills fan - that is why i will stay loyal no matter what - but I do know whats special about it, its the character of the place, the bigtown with the smalltown feel for football, the undying loyalty of the fans, and mainly the PRIDE that the team means to the community and thats where this was botched by the NFL and the Bills. You dont give away homefield this late in the year, you dont give away the Miami game - Thats like the leafs and Canadians game being played in Buffalo and that would irk the hell out of me. I guess my point is where your pointing your anger. Dont point it at the Canadians - some of us love and support this team and follow it the same way as all of you - remember youre talking to someone who was paid 200$ for a preseason game and yesterday's game and I only hope that money is going to make the Bills more viable in Western New York. As for next years game I have no problem writing a petition as a Canadian and getting one of you guys that will be at the Pats game on the final day of the year to go around and acquire signatures. Lets make sure this mistake does not happen again and make sure next year's game is played in September or October. The best way to do that is to work together and send the NFL a message.
This video shows what kind of PRIDE we have as a nation up here and some of things I've read on here are appaling as someone who has supported this team on the other side of the border for years. I feel your pain, I see your anger just make sure your dirrecting it at the right forces.
(Be there LOUD and PROUD on the last day of the year. The playoffs/season may be over but remember we can ruin it for the Pats still - all is not lost)