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  1. The how and why the NFL "guides" games we will never know. Fact of the matter is certain teams get favorable call much more often than other teams. These teams sometime change depending on who knows. Say what you want about the refs and bad calls but when the league had replacement refs there were some pretty bad calls, but I felt much better because not once during that time did I ever feel the bad calls ever favored one team over the other. The calls were consistent.
  2. It seems most people are voting their opinion on who is the best QB. We are in a very unique situation where on of the potential QB has been coached by our coaching staff for the past couple years. To me it is very obvious if Nassib is chosen it says volumes about his potential. I told my son early in the process Nassib is the only QB I would be comfortable at the#8 draft position. If our coaches are that confident then I most certainly would be happy. All the QBs have positives and negatives and should be gotten at a later round. We have too much need positions.
  3. Ralph Wilson stadium is among the largest stadiums in the league. This 100% and now above 85% percent blackout rule is still crap. It should be set at 90 or 95% of the smallest capacity stadium in the league, for all teams. Why should each team be held to a different standard?
  4. I read this blog often and rarely post anything, but over the past couple years I have come to the conclusion that Buffalo is either the most misserable city in the world and the Bills fans are complete idiots or there are many patriot fans pretending to be Bills fans and do nothing but complain and try to bring down any hope we have, true we have not done well for over a decade now, but we have been nothing except improve since Chan and Buddy has taken over, the original question was have we gained on the patriots and without question it is yes, they may have gotten better but we gained much more ground than they did
  5. with the talent level in the league it does not take alot to get a competitive edge, a few extra days does not sound like a big advantage, but find one coach or assistant coach willing to give that up, the way the schedule is somebody has to get less time, but everyone is IMO is complaining how often Buffalo gets the teams that have extra time compared to everyone else, at least in our division, no question
  6. comp picks make no sense any way, very arbritary and just another way for the league to create a sense of a bias
  7. I watched NFL network most of the time. I believe what the poster is talking about is the draft "expert" was raving how great of a pick the running back was for New England, just before the Mallatt pick, and someone asked him I thought you had that RB rated in the 5th round? Then he said yes but that was before Iknew he was going to NE. The have made many good decisions. But shouldnt each pich be judged on its own merit and not deemed an excellant just because a certain team picks them?
  8. I was thinking the same way, but if we can beat the jets and keep them out of the playoffs that would be great. Most importantly is to end that horrible losing streak to the patsies.
  9. it is ridiculus that anybody is even considering vick as mvp, his is playing in the stratus-sphere right now, but nobody remembers that he has missed several games and during his departure the "back-up" played lights out also, you can not even say the defense carried the team during his absence, they did play well though, a true mvp means that if they were not doing what they were doing the team would suffer or the team relys on the excellent play of said individual, not someone who has seemingly little drop off from team play, if vick does get the award it should be co-mvp with kolb
  10. thank you well put!!! at this point in our season i would love to go 8-8, it infuriates me to listen to people who want to lose them all so we can get a good draft pick, most drafts the best player (as judged by history) is very rarely the first pick
  11. it is obvious that all sports shows watch a few games and blow smoke on the rest, they really have no idea what they are saying, whatch a game then watch the highlights you will see the "analyst" really do not know how the flow of the game went, most times highlights of games are played out of order and implies that it happened like the inaccurate order
  12. dont forget that it will be in OT
  13. nobody has a problem with a time out to ice the kicker, it has to do with the timomg of it, if a team wants to wait to the last second that is fine just call the time out from the field, i have always disliked this new rule, i am frustrated about the loss but they were several other areas where we should have made the play,if i were trying to be sour about the bills losing, i would mention the fact that the ref was standing next to haley waiting for the time out and chan gailey had to run to get the timeout, just a note chan did not do it the same way he called the timeout well before the snap not a millisecond before
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