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  1. This poster can't be from Buffalo, because if they were their heart wouldn't let them write something like that. Did they support the Braves when they moved to San Diego? Why would you support a team that would jilt you like that? You'd be the ultimate sucker. The sign on the door says the BUFFALO Bills, and it means that. If they leave, they're not our team anymore.
  2. I was in the middle of all that mess at Gate 1. I don't get it, the gates operated relatively smoothly until a few weeks ago and the power outage. Ever since then it's been a disaster. We got to the gate earlier than usual, about 30 minutes before kickoff. As usual there was a large mass of people waiting to get in, but instead of earlier this season, the mass wasn't moving. Gradually it did, but as we got closer to the front you could tell there was a metal barrier set up to funnel people to one direction or the other. It blocked you, parrallel to the gates. By now the crowd was packed kinda tight. You could see some security or cops grabbing people here and there pretty roughly. But hardly anyone actually patting down fans or checking tickets. There were plenty of yellow-jacketed security guys past that waiting to grab drunks and kick them out, but they were just standing there beyond the gates. At one point the crush was bad enough and the lack of forward progress got to people and they started getting angry. I was pinned up against a metal security barrier and hoped no one pushed any further - either the gate would give or I would. Security locked off all the gates but one, and tried to get that closed. The metal gates they set up before gave way and people had rushed forward. Some people at the back started pushing, and by then I was sideways and stuck in the mass. Security kinda stood back and just caught people then as you were pushed through. A female security guard asked me "are you okay?" as I was released from the crowd and I said yeah, but that this was not a safe situation. She said they tried a new setup for getting people in. Obviously it didn't work well. What was missing in all this? - oh yeah, at no point was I patted down or was my ticket scanned. You couldn't even really turn around and go elsewhere because you were really stuck in the mass. What I don't understand is, the system was working okay until a few weeks ago. What changed since then? Getting people into the stadium isn't a new problem for them, so why is this suddenly so difficult? Until now it was an inconvenience, but last night it was dangerous.
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