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Everything posted by iitseriicb

  1. I can't believe this is a real topic.
  2. Just joined the wall this year and I would like to thank you all! Have a great year and hope for the best for the Bills in free agency and such, especially for next season.
  3. Switch to the NFC and root for the Saints. Love to be let down, Saints have been doing that a lot lately.
  4. I was so angry reading this, until the last sentence.
  5. When Favre retires he can be our head coach.
  6. HAHA! JP's beard is to blame. Has nothing to do with is lack of talent. He will get sacked 5 times and is always good for one deep to Lee, which will help my fantasy team win. If JP plays the only outcome will be: ing Phins 8-5 Bills 6-7 My fantasy team 10-4 Go Hamdan/heal Trent!
  7. I don't know if you meant to sound like "The Dude" but if you did that was pretty brilliant. On the subject, I agree with you. The starters stayed in because of a momentum and confidence killing past 4 games, keeping them in built confidence in the whole team.
  8. I think it is a good idea not to take out the starters. The team needs confidence after losing 4 games, the more yards and points the put up the more confidence they get for the next game.
  9. Saints scored 30 points the whole game against the Chiefs. Saints have the number 1 offense.
  10. "Edwards now throwing with confidence." We are playing to score with a lead, I cant believe what i'm seeing.
  11. Maybe we can start talking pro bowl next year.
  13. What a break on the ball.
  14. Pump fake throw him off, he didn't want to get a penalty.
  15. I've never been so scarred to play a bad team.
  16. I always thought they should put in Stevie earlier in the season, I think he will make a great second receiver on this team. I'm glad they benched Hardy, Stevie had one bad drop but other than that he looked great. We have underrated receivers and they will show their talent as this up and down season continues.
  17. How many cold weather games has Trent played? Not enough. He hasn't had enough opportunities in cold weather.
  18. How about Bret Favre? He was born in Louisiana and after he wasn't in Green bay anymore he didn't want to go to a warm weather team. Sorry, weather is a terrible excuse.
  19. Hey I love the snow, hell I drive around with my car windows down in the snow. I would were sleeves too, at least he lost the glove which probably didn't help too much.
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