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Everything posted by DukeyBomb

  1. Omg I love this kid already enough for him to be my favorite player. I love josh turner, zac brown band and billy currington. I'm going to be getting my Williams jersey tomorrow and following him on twitter.
  2. There is a video of him actually doing the Broad Jump at 9'9". But he stepped his left foot back a little to catch his balance so it doesn't count. This kid is super athletic. Now here is the trick. Can he learn the game of football. If he can he will not have to think, and those split seconds will allow him to just react and wreak HAVOC. Guys he has a super high IQ there should not be any reason he can not learn this game. All the stars could align for this kid. We may be the lucky ones here... And like another poster said, we haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg with this kid. I can NOT wait until training camp. I usually have a few favorites to watch during training camp each year. Him, and Johnny White will be the two top guys I will want to watch. But surprisingly I can say that I want to watch ALL of them. I don't want to just watch a few. I didn't give a crap about some of the defensive prospects we drafted over the past 10 years like Alvin Bowan and so one with the names I have forgot (on purpose). So Kudos to the Bills. I think we got the best draft in the league this year. Love you BUDDY NIX! Go Ba-ba-ba-ba-BILLS!
  3. Depends on where we pick. If we pick at around 8-12. A second rounder and a fourth could probably do it. If we are picking mid round, we would probably need to give up our 3rd that year and 1st next. But I would DO IT INSTANTLY. I have a feeling though that, that 1st pick will be a HOT commodity and the team moving up will probably need to give up more than the norm. I still would do it for Luck. But I would love to have Barkley as well.
  4. +1 Brenty. Save it for the whiner line on the garbage wgr.
  5. you are an idiot if you think defensive back was not a need. stop crying.
  6. The "TONE" did not change that much at all. The only thing that did change in chan gailey's voice were his words. And they were considerably more enthusiastic and positive for Von Miller.
  7. Honestly you are trying to find something to read in to. All that means is he knows who he would select NO MATTER WHO was taken at 1 and 2. You can put any position in to that sentence, instead of Quarterback, and still he would say yes.
  8. So you are saying it's ok to stab somebody still? And is there proof out there that I am missing that he hit her this time? You don't stab or shoot somebody unless you are fearful of your life. And According to sources like Schefter, she was charged, not him. I don't give him excuses for his past shenanigans, but you guys that are saying he should lose his job and what ever should feel bad that you wish that stuff on the guy. If anything I hope he grows up and and learns from his mistakes. I don't hope that the guy dies or anything like that. Have some Character and Dignity.
  9. You are really resorting to my Forum name now for some defense? Any time somebody starts doing that they are running out excuses to cover up their INHUMANE AND STUPID ways of wishing ill will on somebody. Especially after hearing just a snipit of the story as if the chick did nothing wrong. Stabbing him was ok. It's still pretty pathetic of you to wish the guy any harm no matter what. I don't care what you say that's a douche bag move. So Dear Richmondrob, please stop throwing up your immoral opinions on other people that may not be warranted. I don't care about those things in his past. That's immature crap. That's still not pulling triggers and stabbing people.
  10. Richmondbob you sound like a complete douche bag. It's still not Marshall's fault for some other idiot pulling a gun. Marshall didn't do it. How do you know Marshall isn't trying to get away from all of those bad influences. And how do you know Marshall's wife doesn't have some kind of mental illness? You guys are pathetic for bashing this guy and pretty much acting happy for the guy getting STABBED. You don't know his situation so don't judge the guy. Idiots
  11. Exactly. It sounds like you just read my last post under Vince Young lol. DON'T DRAFT A QB WITH THE TOP 2 PICKS!!!! JUST PICK UP DEFENSE AND MAYBE A TIGHT END OR TACKLE!
  13. Honestly it's not even worth explaining to some of these airheads how Vince Young is such a low risk high reward type of guy and how he could help this team out. I don't want to waste a stupid top 34 pick on a QB that will have to wait to start and win anyway, especially when there is ZERO sure fire Sam Bradfords or Matt Ryans. Next year there will be three guys coming out that will be better than ANY QB in this draft. I would rather pick up VY. Have him compete with Fitz and see where we are next year when there is better talent out there on the board. People who want Gabbert or Newton are just wanting A NEW shiny toy that's just going to break on them. Quit being so naive.
  14. +1 on everything you said.
  16. Shopping spree anybody? I would push hard for anybody to help this team. RT, ILB, and CB. Maybe even a TE or QB. I think those positions are decent this year in FA.
  17. Some people have the ability to read between the lines and not just look at one thing they say and make a final opinion on it. Other do not. If you actually listened to Buddy's other WORDS that he spoke, you would find out that the guy is open to it, but he would LIKE to stay in the top 10. And being one pick off from the top ten has got to be a deal breaker wouldn't it?
  18. He will NOT be announcing the 3rd overall pick. He will be announcing our 2nd pick #34.
  19. I'll be at the Chiefs game for the 3rd time in 4 years coming down from Omaha, hanging with Kenny "Pinto Ron" Johnson and the boys, doing bowling ball shots!!!! WOOOOH! CAN'T WAIT!!!!
  20. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2011/4/18/2117963/2011-nfl-draft-patrick-peterson-houston-texans
  21. Really? Did Buddy tell you that? If so ask him why one spot makes a difference.
  22. Nope. This guy is legit. Trust me
  23. I agree. I still hold out hope for him at least.
  24. Tmaster. Looks like you are the one who looks like the fool. It does exist. Why don't you try looking at his tweets on his actual page. http://twitter.com/#!/StevieJohnson13 What I find interesting is that Stevie is sticking up for Maybin. I love that stuff.
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