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Canadian Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Canadian Bills Fan

  1. Anyone know if Channel 7 Buffalo will be airing this? I guessed last night and set my PVR just in case. I know WGR is airing it but not sure about Channel 7 CBF
  2. What did he say? Never mind I found it CBF
  3. Dan Marino CBF
  4. "Listen guys, this is a team sport. We need to look out for each other. When you get out on that ice..........sorry wrong team" CBF
  5. Didnt Cowherd get in some hot water over comments he made about Sean Taylors death? CBF
  6. Thanks everyone! I am starting to feel a little better CBF
  7. Besides this Tweet, is there any links out there to support this? CBF
  8. Thanks man! Taking off is the worst for me. I am usually fine after that. and its a 6am flight Taking off is the worst for me. I cant even begin to tell you.... Good point! CBF
  9. So the wire transfer has already gone through?? CBF
  10. Thought about it but I cant turn down 3 free airline tickets CBF
  11. I know. I was preparing for a slow clap... CBF
  12. LOL At first I was thinking where would I get a blender at an airport but then after reading further I realized where you were going with it CBF
  13. Hey everyone, So I have a huge fear of flying and in April my parents are flying my family out to Florida for a week. The only reason I agreed to this is because they are paying for our airfare. With that being said, even though its still a long time away, I am already feeling stressed. Anyone know some good tips or links to stuff that can help ease my fear? CBF
  14. It's a lot more than that to most of us. CBF
  15. LOL you remembered my cheesy line! Yes! One more sleep indeed! PS...After the longest time with my old anti Bills in TO avatar, I decided it was time for a new one that pretty much sums up my feelings about the Pegula's CBF
  16. I cant wait for the PC tomorrow!!! CBF
  17. I wonder why she wasnt up there with him? She will be on Friday's PC I bet CBF
  18. Thank you so much Mr. Wilson Not only were you our founding father you are also a legend. I can not wait for your statue to be unveiled. May you RIP and may you smile down upon us knowing that the plan you had all along is now in solid place. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. CBF
  19. Can someone post a summary when its over? I cant access the live feed from work CBF
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