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Canadian Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Canadian Bills Fan

  1. What if they are just resting him for Sunday? Why risk further injury for practice? Give him the extra days to rest/heal CBF
  2. How can this be proven though without a confession? CBF
  3. No way..... He cant be that stupid can he? How can this be proven? What are the penalites if it is proven true? CBF
  4. I'm sure when Kim is old and at "that time" one of their kids would take over. After all, they are a sports family At least thats my hope. CBF
  5. Welcome fellow Ontarion! CBF
  6. I love Justified but I am a season behind (still waiting for season 5 to come out on dvd) Breaking Bad is amazing. I have really started binge watching House on Netflix. I am addicted. I know its not a drama but I always recommend Scrubs as I think it was one of the best sitcoms in TV history. Its funny but it also has a lot serious points. Not to mention it features one of the best TV characters of all time in Dr. Cox IMO CBF
  7. My new favorite quote from Terry Pegula...... "We loaded up" CBF
  8. You got that right! I hated the idea and still do. NFL belongs in the USA and Bills belong in Buffalo! This was my avatar for the longest time... CBF
  9. Ha! Take that Toronto! You try and steal our franchise with a $#! rock star and failed. Now, not only have you lost out on our franchise but we are also taking away anything NFL from your city! Sorry we just spent all our money on "Tim Hortons Stadium" We have nothing left I am hoping for a dome stadium on the Harbor front CBF
  10. If I was the Bills or a defensive player? $100,000 Having him out for the year with an injury is priceless. Oh your talking about a trade? CBF
  11. Amazing that Fred is "looking very healthy" as one reporter Tweeted I love me some Fred! CBF
  12. Mallet named Starter CBF
  13. I still remember shaking his hand at a game when he was walking out of the tunnel to the field. This was after the Bledsoe trade and I said I like what you have done with the team. He said “Give us 5 years and then you will really love it” That SOB lied to me CBF
  14. I wonder how much money he nets every time he gets signed to the PS CBF
  15. No but this kid went to my high school and is friends with my brother. Wouldnt mind seeing this kid in a Bills uni down the road... 6-9 320 LBS OL http://recruiting.sc...c=1&nid=6215605 http://247sports.com...id-Knevel-21660 http://www.omaha.com...17a43b2370.html CBF
  16. Why waste anymore time and just put him on the Wall of Fame now.... CBF
  17. Did I miss something? The female cop told Beth that they rescued her from a ditch but wasn’t Beth kidnapped by a car with the white cross on the back? In the scene where Beth and Noah are in the parking lot, you see the car with the white cross on the back window so we know that she wasn’t rescued. I’m sure we all are aware of this but I am a little hazy as to why Beth wouldn’t remember being kidnapped CBF
  18. Any chance FJ plays against the Chiefs? CBF
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