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Canadian Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Canadian Bills Fan

  1. There was about a month when there was delays but its been brutal. We have 80M doses ordered but have only vaccinated about 6M people today. We even had to get a loan of 1.5M doses from Biden
  2. Good call. Forgot about Fat Ben
  3. Omg Whitner 100000000000000% Biggest whiner ever. I remember the jerk posting all over Twitter for fans to message him to chat and then he followed that with another Tweet saying "why are all these guys messaging me?" Creep was just looking for girls. Couldn't stand him. He thought he was better than he was and also tried to coin his own nickname. Just terrible Also Bledsoe. My brother who was a kid at the time tried waving to him and called his name at training camp as he walked by. Didnt even look at my brother and just walked to his car.
  4. For sure man. I agree 100% It's terrible. USA is doing things right
  5. Yup. The area I live in has vaccinated all 60+ year Olds and has vaccines but they cannot start vaccinating anyone younger until the rest of the 60+ across the province and country have been vaccinated
  6. Could not agree more. Its nothing short of embarrassing of how he had handled this. Furthermore, he will not allow any areas to start vaccinating younger groups until everyone in the country in the set age group has been vaccinated
  7. I have debated posting this but I am very curious to hear everyone's thoughts on this. This is not about the virus but how our countries have handled the vaccine rollout. I want to applaud the USA and how your government has handled the rollout. I know the running joke is that some Americans are envious of the Canadian healthcare but today I say the opposite. I am envious of how Biden has taken hold of the vaccine issue and has made so much available so soon. Currently in Canada, we are still only vaccinating those 60+ as opposed to the USA where I believe I saw that anyone 18+ who wants the vaccine can get it starting April 19th? That's mind boggling to me. I live in Ontario and we just announced today our 3rd state of emergency and our 3rd stay at home order. This time for a minimum of 4 weeks. Canada has roughly a population of 40 Million where I believe the USA has 10x that amount. It's amazing how far ahead you guys are and I am not ashamed to say I am jealous.
  8. Who cares about jersey numbers? Dont try and fix something that isnt broken
  9. I was at the game when we beat the Pats 31-0..pretty awesome..I remember shaking Tom Donahoe's hand at the tunnel as he was walking by and said I love what your doing with the team. (we had just signed Lawyer Milloy I think) he said "gives us 5 years and then you'll really like it" Oh how he was wrong
  10. Josh Imatorbhebhe WR Illinois https://thedraftnetwork.com/player/josh-imatorbhebhe/DgrHYOZFc7
  11. Josh Imatorbhebhe WR Illinois I think this guy would be a great get in the later rounds. He is a freak of an athlete and would love to see him in a Bills uni https://thedraftnetwork.com/player/josh-imatorbhebhe/DgrHYOZFc7
  12. The more I think about it, the more I'm ok with CB/Edge in rounds 1 and 2
  13. Hopefully he's just as good at hitting the holes
  14. When will Najee run the 40? will he do it before the draft?
  15. Love this show. The 1st season was amazing and wish i could find it online so my wife can watch it. Season 2 is great Season 1 Coca-Cola episode was amazing. Guy was ruthless
  16. With the 54th pick in the TSW draft, the Indianapolis Colts Select.. Dan Moore, OT, Texas A&M The Colts need to address their OL especially since Anthony Castonzo retired @RyanC883The Steelers are now on the clock Sorry guys! My notifications wasnt working on my cell!
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