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Everything posted by billsfanone

  1. I bought a Ron Mexico jersey from him.
  2. Looks like Vito from Bam Margera's crew.
  3. Exactly! Wait a few years, go back and look, THEN grade the draft.
  4. What's the movie about?
  5. A homo goes into the doctor's office and has some tests run. The doctor comes back and says, "I am not going to beat around the bush, you have AIDS." The homo is devastated. "Doctor, what can I do?" The doctor says, "I want you to go home and eat 5 pounds of spicy sausage, a head of cabbage, a plate of baked beans, 20 un-peeled carrots covered in tomato salsa, 10 jalapeno peppers, 5 corn-on-the- cobs, 40 walnuts and peanuts, a box of branflakes, and I want you to wash it down with a gallon of prune juice." "Will that cure me?" asks the homo hopefully. "No," replies the doctor, "but it will teach you what your butthole is really for."
  6. That is the new modern medical technique, right?
  7. I hope that proctologist who came to my house last weekend was legit.
  8. The Machiavelli personality test has a range of 0-100 Your Machiavelli score is: 62 You are a high Mach, you endorse Machiavelli's opinions.
  9. I'm crossing your name off. I was going to leave you my Peerless Price jersey.
  10. I wrote mine on a napkin.
  11. I call it comedic irony.
  12. We should bring RJ in to compete too!
  13. So are the honkeys going to get lynched or not?
  14. The Amish are stealing jobs from Americans!
  15. If this is true. Ralph could have belted out his feelings with one bold sentence. Not a convoluted diatribe.
  16. The "US citizens" who worked on my house left cigarette butts in my driveway!
  17. The illegals who worked on my house were friendly and spoke a little bit of English.
  18. I know the sound. I had siding done a few weeks ago.
  19. Marv knows his high character players.
  20. zero. I'm not a slob.
  21. Top US Foundations by giving: http://fdncenter.org/findfunders/topfunder...p100giving.html
  22. I'd be willing to rally our troops. What would we be preaching?
  23. You should give the guy a Columbian necktie.
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