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Everything posted by billsfanone

  1. I didn't know what a macaca was until now. It's always good to learn a new slur to add to my repertoire.
  2. Exactly!
  3. A lot of the players look alike.
  4. Did you bang her?
  5. Wow. A whopping 3 dropped balls.
  6. Can you polish hard wood yourself, or do you need to hire a pro?
  7. Weird. I had my stairs carpeted yesterday. I tipped the guys $20.
  8. You did a pretty good job of humiliating both you and your friend by posting that convo.
  9. Probably that Rubeo guy.
  10. This is the crappiest thread ever.
  11. It's about time there is a prank that isn't mean-spirited.
  12. I want to go 16-0 with Nall! Nall ball baby!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
  13. It would be if I let it go. I do a little at a time. It seems much bigger of a job than it look like at the start. Until you start making headway. I had a little crab / quack grass outbreak that I yanked under control this weekend.
  14. hahahahaha!
  15. I pick weeks out with my bare hands. No weed killer for me.
  16. My neighbor has that. It looks like a rug.
  17. Where the hell are your report and pics?
  18. Can we get these a little sooner? Real-time maybe? JK! Thanks for sharing!
  19. I'd hate to have had a run-in with the guy after the game.
  20. Which is a better city/area?
  21. Too bad. I like him. I like the whole Baseball Tonight crew. I wish the NFL Primetime folks would take their lead.
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