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Everything posted by billsfanone

  1. Maybe game recap would have been a better term.
  2. GET THAT CRAP OFF ESPN!!!! Anyone see any good Bills game highlights on sports center or NFL? No? Niether did I! Cause they are showing f'ing poker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE ESPN, DIE! DIE! DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ESPN = MTV
  3. How about something a little easier. Nuke the entire Middle East, except for Israel, and take all the oil.
  4. One things for sure when you tell someone you're a Bills fan. They know you ain't lying. Or a fairweather fan.
  5. The Iraqis deserved Saddam. They deserve to be gassed and tortured. That seems like the only way to keep them in order.
  6. Tisk tist tisk. Never end a sentence with a preposition.
  7. No it doesn't surprise me. When I type a business letter or something at work, I rarely make a mistake. I even do a lot of copywriting. When I post on boards, I do so quickly, and make some careless mistakes.
  8. I'm still getting errors...
  9. I think Bledsoe paid Vincent to take Losman out!
  10. Did TD hand you some hush money when you ran into him or something? lol
  11. Are they for sale anywhere else?
  12. Warren Sapp and Keyshawn Johnson.
  13. I had to shut off sports center last night due to Stu's excessive use of ebonics. ESPN = MTV
  14. Gotta moderize. Where the heck am I supposed to park my SUV when I visit blo?
  15. Yeah. They found sperm all over the pig.
  16. Yes. No. My sister has morals. Not like this whore. Kobe can get any chick he wants. No way he raped this slut.
  17. Probably because he's innocent.
  18. He didn't want his wife to find out. That's understandable. When he knew it was HIS ass on the line, he fessed up.
  19. NICE! I think this is the best thread in the history of the internet.
  20. I don't like Boomer either. I'm tired of his act. He never says anything of substance. ESPN = MTV
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