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Everything posted by billsfanone

  1. 3-13 8-8 6-10 0-3 17-34
  2. TD is a bust.
  3. Thanks.
  4. I think the Fletcher roughing the passer was one of the worst calls I've ever seen. And I'm not a homer looking for penalty mistakes...
  5. He's a fat piece of crap
  6. BUST!
  7. It'll be better organized this year. Read what "Pinto Ron" has to say. http://www.nycbbb.com/emails/2004/093004.shtml
  8. 47810[/snapback] What's he think of CC Sebathia?
  9. Every one needs to chill out. Especially the jerks.
  10. Yep. No one in the NFL kills anyone, is an accessory to homicide, does drugs, steroids or beats their wife.
  11. Prayer belongs at home.
  12. I got sick from the endless commercials. I loathe EsPN. Or EsPN EsPN = MTV
  13. I think it has to do with enrollment #s.
  14. I agree with you, but I want the Bills to do the talking on the field.
  15. I'm watching Gallery dominate right now.
  16. Not in your lifetime kid.
  17. It's about stepping up into the pocket.
  18. College Football. I guess I left that part out.
  19. I happened to me several times in college. Well not yellow exactly. I would see everything like it was a picture negative for a few seconds. I guess everyone's vision is affected differently when hit in the head hard,
  20. Lets put the nail in those f'ers coffin this weekend. 1918
  21. Good to hear. I hope for a full recovery.
  22. So put it in a porkchop. They won't check in there!
  23. Spelling Bee. Oh wait, they already have that.
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