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Everything posted by billsfanone

  1. SDS is going to go ape sh-- when he see this.
  2. If you bring pasta salad, make sure you bring a table to put it on.
  3. "It's the most wonder-ful time of the year!" No, this isn't another Matt Kabel Holiday Music special, it's the Kevin's Ready to Tailgate in the Swamp for the 5th Consecutive year! We've got lots to cover, include Tailgate info, Tickets, Sabres, the Pinto on NFL Films, Time Change for the Dolfelons game and tickets for the last two home games! Enjoy: New Jersey Jets vs. Buffalo Bills Tailgate Are you ready for NYCBBB's Legendary 5th Annual Tailgate Party this Sunday??? We will again be in Lot 16, Pole C, which is conveniently located near several portable bathrooms. Parking is $15, and the lots open at 10am. History suggests they will be open earlier than that but we will be there starting around 10:30am to enjoy the BEAUTIFUL 50 degree weather and I suggest getting there early to get a spot near us. There are a bunch of us that don't have tickets and are going strictly to tailgate so I expect everyone to show up. No excuses! There is even setting up some TVs and watch the game from the parking lot. If you are interested let me know. Here’s a link with all the info you need, including maps and info on the NJ Transit Busses: http://www.meadowlands.com/giantsFanInfo.asp#droppick Beer n' Food We’ll have kegs of beer and bulk quantities of mimosas and bloody marys. $5 will get you an unlimited amount of all of these fine alcoholic beverages. There will be plenty of grill space around, so feel free to bring food to cook! Saturday Night We know a lot of folks will be coming from out of town for the game and are looking for a place to catch the Sabres play the hated Canadians. Our Sabres bar is the Blue Moon on 75th and 1st and they will have the game on as well as Labatt Blue on special during the game. Also, if you are going to the Sabres/Devils game next Tues or need tickets let me know! Tickets for the Jets Game Got any extras? Need some? Right now I know of two people that have an extra seat. Let me know if you are interested in tickets and I'll try to coordinate. You can also post on our message board at: http://cybermessageboard.fatcow.com/nycbbb/viewforum.php?f=3 NFL Films Remember back in September when our friend Michelle brought an NFL film crew with her for our NYCBBB Roadtrip to document Kenny's tailgating festivities? After months of hard work she is ready to present it to the world! Be sure to turn in to ESPN Monday morning at 3:30am (right about the time you should be sobering up after the game) as well as Tues at 1:30pm. If you are like me and like to sleep/work during those hours, be sure to set you Tivo! Time Change Once again the Bills have been chosen to star in the 4pm afternoon game. Their home game against the Dolfelons (which I know a lot of you will be there for) has been moved to 4pm. I'll help the NFL explain: "With the Bills winning two of their last three games -- all decided by a field goal and some terrible calls by the refs in the San Diego game -- and the Dolphins earning victories in four of their last five games despite starting Joey Harrington at QB, the move to the 4:05 PM ET start will enable many more fans across the country to see these two teams on the rise. It's a much bigger showcase for Buffalo and Miami, even though we all hate Miami and know they suck" said Howard Katz, NFL Senior VP of Broadcasting.
  4. I'll have more details sometime this afternoon. That's if smitheo would stop taking his job so seriously and get cracking!
  5. They should send that stinky B word to gitmo.
  6. We'll be at 16C again. We're working out the details and will be posting them here soon. I believe they let people in earlier. I'm aiming to get there 11:30 or 12. No pasta salad. lol. We will have kegs of beer but may charge $5 or so. Jay Rosen will be there as will Pinto Kenny.
  7. The comments on the video are priceless.
  8. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...2=amd-google-20 The Few. About some American airmen who went to fight for the British against the Nazis before the US entered the war.
  9. ...being more productive than our O, we should just punt on first downs.
  10. Would you rather live in a state that re-elected a comptroller who steals taxpayer money?
  11. Honorable Mention: Favre's helmet
  12. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
  13. You're right. They should write a puff piece and give everyone an A even though the Bills lost to an 0-5 team.
  14. It looked like a catch to me but not enough evidence to overturn the call. If it was ruled a catch, it would have stayed too. I think it's BS that the original ruling wasn't a catch though...
  15. Let the animals kill each other.
  16. Aaron Schobel. If it wasn't for his one customary meaningless sack today, I would have sworn he wasn't playing today.
  17. And get mauled by the Bears? I hope not!
  18. I hear you. I hate those kinds of fans.
  19. I think he was calling a fair catch. A lame attempt, but he was.
  20. I get along with my neighbors.
  21. It's snow on a tarp.
  22. They'd probably kill a few nuns and burn some churches. Par for the course.
  23. I feel your pain. The stress of dealing with Cablevision probably took some years off my life. I can't wait until Verizon Fios comes to town so I can dump them.
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