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Everything posted by billsfanone

  1. Maybe it was hazelnut decaf.
  2. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.
  3. I usually get up to go to the bathroom during the National Anthem. So, like most times, I missed out. Was it really THAT bad?
  4. Dressing room attendant at Victoria Secret.
  5. Yes. The inferiority complex that some Bills fans have is unbelievable.
  6. The miss: I was watching with my old man. A Giants fan. I left the room and watched on another TV. This is after I spent the entire first half taking trash. The miss... I put my hands to my face and grabbed. Left a nice scratch. On the bus to school the next morning, I was expecting hell. My friends surprisingly didn't give me grief. Only saying "I'm surprised you didn't play sick to get the day off."
  7. ugggggggggggggg
  8. Wide left, now this. You're losing it man,
  9. Puerto Ricans are just as lucky.
  10. Some more info: http://www.nycbbb.com/emails/2005/011905.shtml
  11. hahahaha. I had to get you back.
  12. Did Raymond save your entire family from a disaster or something?
  13. I always though the fruitcake on the Mets was Mike Hampton.
  14. We will have extra copies on hand. It is a GO. We ARE going to hold this event on Tuesday.
  15. We need to know for sure. We have to order the books.
  16. Word has it that he was all over WNY signing books. Perhaps you guys missed him...
  17. My thoughts exactly!
  18. What's with all the Kobe hate? I sense racial overtones.
  19. hahahaha! I have to try that one.
  20. I had someone dial my extension from a fax machine. It keeps trying to connect over and over and over....
  21. The book is outstanding. I'm at the point where he's starting to turn around the Chiefs. Can't wait for the Bills part.
  22. Yeah Al Michaels talking about it during the Jets game.
  23. Punt it out of bounds.
  24. This was one of the top results for me: http://www.finheaven.com/boardvb2/archive/...hp/t-22984.html messing with the a-holes from finheaven.com. hahahahaha
  25. Handicapped is too vague. They should start calling it crippled again.
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