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Everything posted by billsfanone

  1. Hey Sid http://www.theshannonhoboken.com/ I got an e-mail from somone saying that place is showing the game tonight. Don't know if they mean live or the midnight replay.
  2. The ticket doesn't televise all preseason games.
  3. Or 10am Saturday. http://www.nfl.com/nflnetwork/networksched...=08%2F16%2F2008
  4. Same boat... It'll be on at 4pm on Saturday.
  5. I did, but I guess some people are too stupid or stubborn to notice. Yes Exxon provides services internationally, but you'd have to add up every other oil company in the world to see how much revenue per person "oil companies" are making. Pepsi wouldn't divide up their sales by the world population to come up with a figure of "soft drink sales per capita." Why because it's not adding in Coke, Mountain Dew, insert your favorite beverage, and because perhaps Pepsi doesn't have a presense everywhere in the world. I hope you're not too stupid to comprehend that.
  6. Plus I'm not even arguing that oil companies are profiting too much. I'm just commenting that the guy in the article pulled a biat an switch, which a lot of idiots will fall for.
  7. What's idiotic is you can't look at Exxon's revenue and simply divide it by the world's population and use that figure to show how much Exxon brings in per person in the world. That was my point, but your stupid post ignores what I wrote.
  8. Wow. There are too many assumptions to list with that figure. Are the oil companies just US companies--if so you can't take the world population. Are the "oil companies" profits counting delivery, or the entire process from oil well to end use? It looks like they are just looking at Exxon's profits. Not every oil company in the world...
  9. Wow. The dude pulled a real bait and switch there... I'm mostly conservative and consider myself to be a capitalist, but I have to call major BS here. When they say the oil companies make $1,400 a second, they are talking about PROFIT, no? NOT revenue. So although they do have to pay $4,000 a second in taxes, the net isn't a loss. Add $4,000 a second in taxes to the other $15,000 a second in cost. That means if there are no other costs, they are brining in $20,400 a second in revenue. boo f'ing hoo.
  10. They should have slid a picture of rosie odonnel under his face. Problem solved.
  11. So what do we do now, roast marshmallows?
  12. It jumped the shark.
  13. Did you get a snotty private message about it too?
  14. Who are your favorites?
  15. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article...home/article.do
  16. I would have gone over the edge if they had stuck out their top teeth too.
  17. I'm a Cottonelle man myself.
  18. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but TD got us out of cap jail. [/chrismortensenknobslob]
  19. Kidding aside, how about an rss feed?!
  20. Looks like a ripoff of this site: http://www.buffalobills.com/billsclipstoday/
  21. Any movie with that shows bush is fine by me.
  22. An African-American will coach the next super bowl champ! I heard it about 20 times already...
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