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Everything posted by billsfanone

  1. Isn't that your sister?
  2. http://www.billszone.com/coppermine/albums...mal_Manning.jpg
  3. Give me a few minutes.
  4. How about Johathan?
  5. I may stick to JP.
  6. I don't care.
  7. Smoking gun? http://www.billszone.com/coppermine/albums..._17-bondss2.jpg
  8. Right or wrong, I'm sticking with Lowz-Man. Although I think it's Lahz-Man.
  9. There's an Irish Pub over there with good food. Forget the name. Muldoon's or something like that.
  10. Looks just like every terrorist I know...
  11. Thanks Dan Gross for making sense of it!
  12. I can't connect... WTF!
  13. The Bills Backers bar, McFadden's, isn't really anything special outside of the football season. And special events we have.
  14. This happened last year.
  15. ESPN is going to do a quick segment. They said that Bettis' future in Pitts is uncertain. On the block. It'll be on after commercials... Donahoe, Mularkey, Clements... Bettis.
  16. Are you kidding me? That's like saying Chicken McNuggets blows away the Anchor Bar. You got to find the right place...
  17. They don't have us either, and we raised over a grand for his charity.
  18. What is the difference between Buffalo fish fry and fried fish from a good Irish restaurant?
  19. I agree with Jin.
  20. I was on a flight once and they approached and abandoned landing 3 times. Everyone knew something was up. We were all scared ****less. The stewardess was giving some BS excuse. Then on the final (thanfully not THAT final) landing, there were rescue trucks all over the runway. When they opened the cabin door, 2 or 3 NTSB (i'm pretty sure it was ntsb) guys stormed in to immediatly question the pilot. They still acted like nothing was up. But being safe on the ground was enough. I didn't care and just took off.
  21. Cool vid. Yeah I think that was Tasker...
  22. I thought the same thing. PETA is the name, propaganda is their game.
  23. Nope. I do too!
  24. I e-mailed PETA: Thank you for contacting PETA with your concerns regarding SaveToby.com, which have been shared with the appropriate staffers here. Sadly, some people regard the Internet as a medium for sick jokes. Often, those who develop or contribute to hostile or otherwise abusive Web sites do so simply to draw attention with offensive content. Of course, such sites are in very poor taste but, unfortunately, are usually legal. Since these heartless people are encouraged by attention, the most effective way to discourage them is to avoid visiting their sites and to urge others to do the same. PETA cannot endorse giving money to SaveToby.com, since doing so will only encourage other cruel individuals to threaten animals in order to extort money from compassionate people. You may wish to complain to the site's internet service provider (ISP) and request that the site be removed. An investigation may determine that the site's content violates the ISP's user agreement. To find the ISP of this site, please visit http://www.H4HA.org/stopcruelty/query.html. You can also submit offensive sites to the Animal Cruelty Action List at http://www.H4HA.org/stopcruelty. It is important to remember that rabbits, as well as millions of cows, chickens, pigs and other animals also suffer and die daily on factory farms and in slaughterhouses and butcher shops. To learn more about ways to stop this cruelty, please visit http://www.GoVeg.com. We hope that you find this information helpful. Thank you for your compassion for animals. Sincerely, The PETA Staff
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