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Everything posted by billsfanone

  1. I told my wife to move on if I'm ever a veggie.
  2. We should count ones that were foiled too...
  3. I didn't say that ALL muslims are terrorists, or that all terrorists are muslim. All I said that most terrorists are muslim. And that's true. Anti-Western terrorists that is. Not the IRA or Basque. Not that I consider Basque's terrorists. I condone their activity since they kill Frenchmen.
  4. Me too. I'm amazed at how this issue is reversed. It doesn't make sense to me.
  5. Nothing to be ashamed about. Most terrorists are Muslim.
  6. I can't stand fatsos.
  7. I would have grabbed some popcorn and enjoyed watching the beating.
  8. Oh another thing on the same segment... Someone said something like "suppose she's able to recover in 3 months..." News flash a-hole! It's been 15 years already!!!!
  9. There was an episode of CSI just like that! Flights bring out the worst in humanity. I'm glad I was blessed with patience.
  10. What's this BS about her not being a vegetable? I heard someone on the news say "all she can't do is swallow." What f'ing bs is that!!! She can't swallow, talk, walk, or do anything! I guess brain dead is a subjective term...
  11. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/sou...-home-headlines Sex offenders should have 2 options. 1) castration or 2) life in prison.
  12. Good point. She should be a vegatable until she dies of natural causes.
  13. Did Sosa lie? I didn't hear the entire testimony, but I read a quote in the paper that went something like "I never INJECTED any drugs..." Didn't say that he never chowed down on steroid sandwiches.
  14. How funny would it be if the whole thing is a long ass episode of Punked?
  15. I don't get how the religious conservatives are weighing in on the parents side with the God's will crap. It's modern medicine, not God's will that's keeping her alive.
  16. Point and laugh at them for losing the Civil War.
  17. He had "potential."
  18. I give props to my right hand to "doing the trick" at times.
  19. I'm tired of liberal commie scum and their name calling.
  20. Anyone got the Cliffs Notes to the opening post?
  21. McGwire's a kitty.
  22. Or, is the divorce final yet?
  23. I think she'll wake up one day.
  24. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2014597
  25. No. Never thought about it.
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