I didn't say that ALL muslims are terrorists, or that all terrorists are muslim. All I said that most terrorists are muslim. And that's true. Anti-Western terrorists that is. Not the IRA or Basque. Not that I consider Basque's terrorists. I condone their activity since they kill Frenchmen.
Oh another thing on the same segment... Someone said something like "suppose she's able to recover in 3 months..."
News flash a-hole! It's been 15 years already!!!!
What's this BS about her not being a vegetable? I heard someone on the news say "all she can't do is swallow." What f'ing bs is that!!! She can't swallow, talk, walk, or do anything!
I guess brain dead is a subjective term...
Did Sosa lie? I didn't hear the entire testimony, but I read a quote in the paper that went something like "I never INJECTED any drugs..."
Didn't say that he never chowed down on steroid sandwiches.
I don't get how the religious conservatives are weighing in on the parents side with the God's will crap. It's modern medicine, not God's will that's keeping her alive.