One side of me is a realist and realizes the team stinks. The other half realizes that they play the games for a reason and anything can happen on any given Sunday.
Here's what we need. Illustrated in x's and o's. Ys are coaching staff.
x*xxxxx y
o* o o o y
o* o o y
o o
*if Kevin Everett doesn't heal 100%
*if we can't re-sign Clements
* if Spikes doesn't heal up 100%
He's not a Dolphin or anything. Plus the gloves didn't fit and he was an outstanding running back for the Bills. You gotta acquit! If you think he's guilty, you're not a real Bills fan.
"If you’ve never had a drunken Buffalo accent catapulted through your cranium via a drunken Buffalo person, well then you’re just letting the worst thing in life pass you by."