He's the man. I like the guy. I don't care if he ran his mouth.
It looked like he was on tackle away from breaking one last night. Forget which run... I'm going to explode when he finally does!
lol. Good. It was really sickening. I swear not just sour grapes because of the loss. They went WAY overboard.
If the Bruschi lovefest wasn't enough, did you count how many mistakes they made? Damn! They don't correct each other either.
You forgot the Brady fumble with no commentary while useless Kobler was talking about... what's his name again... oh yeah Bruschi.
And no commentary on the Holcomb fumble when they were interviewing Kraft about... hmmmm.... oh yeah Bruschi.
I usually don't talk like this... Throwing the season away so early. But at least putting in JP now will get him some experience. And we can see if he is indeed the future. Holcomb ain't the answer, that's for sure.