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Everything posted by billsfanone

  1. It would have been a touchdown if the Bills declined the penalty.
  2. We should give them smallpox and alcohol.
  3. I heard that the area of the triangle is so huge that a large percent of travel goes through it. So the likelyhood of planes and ships going missing is a lot higher compared to other areas.
  4. Isn't the ad sexist? The people of PETA CAN'T be sexist, can they? I'm sure some women (moms) fish too. How insensitive...
  5. Oh by the way, regarding this topic... Here's my theory. - TD doesn't know or care about the sign. - Some lower level Bills employee sees the sign. Perhaps the head of security? - The lower lever employee thinks "I wouldn't want TD to see this, not on my watch!" - That employee instructs security to get the sign removed. - There isn't some high level conspiracy.
  6. Make sure he's selling XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL.
  7. That video was entertaining. I enjoyed watching people falling and getting stepped on and over. I may go out next year just to see the mayhem. Perhaps I'll instigate or take part in the stampede.
  8. The pull out he was talking about was about all his mistresses.
  9. They do know how to get attention. This thread is living proof.
  10. I didn't think the coverage was bad at all. Comparatively speaking anyway...
  11. Anyone else think it could be a joke?
  12. No. Eat a smelly Iraqi.
  13. Poor lions.
  14. If yo ho only knew, dat she was gettin f'd on the 7 flo, if that B word only knew, that she was gettin butt'd by the whole crew. What would she do?
  15. The song is PHAT!
  16. Who was the jerk today who said Clements and Antonio Winfield are a tough tandem. Or something of that sort. Did say "Antonio Winfield" though...
  17. Like they always say... Trick plays only work when you don't need them to. Can't run them on 4th and short or 3rd and long.
  18. Money (ratings) talks. BS walks.
  19. Girls Gone Wild #53 was a disappointment.
  20. For all intents and purposes he has a huge stake in the fast food industry too.
  21. I thought we were done seeing the clip of McGahee blowing his knee out. Those bastards showed it again last night.
  22. I think Lindell slipped and fell.
  23. To: NFL Broadcasting Department at ESPN From: billsfanone Date: October 31, 2005 Dear Sirs, Kolber's a groupie. A whore. - billsfanone
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