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Everything posted by billsfanone

  1. Exactly why I never give blood.
  2. How about Suicide is Painless?
  3. Were these same "chicken little" fans unhappy with GW and MM? HOW WRONG THEY WERE!!! [/sarcasm]
  4. This is a pretty s#itty topic.
  5. No. It'll do more harm than good for that type of book.
  6. Check out Oprah's latest pick. Seems people DO care what book she endorses. http://www.bestbookdeal.com/amazon-movers-books.html Imagine a 5,212,600% increase in ranking!
  7. I work for a book publisher. Books that Oprah endorses become instant bestsellers. Even books merely mentioned on her show result in a spike in sales. She is extremely influential. We were discussing this very issue in a marketing/editorial meeting. Everyone seemed to enjoy my sarcastic suggestion that we simply move the book from nonfiction to fiction.
  8. Broken arm.
  9. Hard to break out of that category when he got 8 or 9 carries in some games.
  10. And if you move to NYC, you can call the NYC Bills Backers your homw away from home every Sunday. [/plug]
  11. I know Westchester pretty well if you're thinking of that option. Like anywhere else the really good places are very expensive. I live in Levittown LI now. It was the only decent area on LI my wife and I would afford and weren't too too far from NYC. That and Hicksville.
  12. Howzabout another bump. http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20060106/2045085.asp Gray said by phone Thursday that he has not resigned, and if he has been fired it is news to him.
  13. It's messy right now.
  14. The second worst form of torture is reading that.
  15. Great post! Krumrie never impressed me.
  16. Regime. hahahaha My take on the sign business is that some lackey took it upon themselves to protect his or her boss.
  17. I knew it. I gave it 5 posts.
  18. You must of been one of the few lucky one who they didn't punch in the stomach before entering the stadium.
  19. I don't see how they were hostile to the fans. As a Backers head, I thought they could not have been better. I'm sure it'll continue, but I'm just saying... How were they bad to fans?
  20. I love to hate. Thanks for the news.
  21. She's a terrorist sympathizer. She HAS to know something.
  22. hahahahaha I was searching google for that pic of him. Coulnd't find it.
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