If you put a winning product out there year in and year out, maybe a year or two below .500 and revenue is not an issue (not a huge issue now in my opinion). Not only would you sell out most if not all games as the Bills already do but corporate sponsors would jump on board. Why, because it would be a hot ticket, in demand and the buzz would be enough to get those luxury boxes sold. Also, sell the freakin' naming rights for the stadium. Ralph has to pay more up front (to the front office and personnel)to get it back later. Spend money to make money. The last 10+ years of crap on the field has made corporations stay away from luxury suites and the Bills altogether. I know the economy in Western NY is terrible, but enough corporations would come out of the woodwork if the Bills were perennial contenders. It starts with Ralph, unfortunately he is too set in his ways to turn this around before he passes and once that happens, everything changes due to debt load of a new owner. Only then can I begin to think the Bills may not be sustainable in Buffalo.