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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. I’m sure they understand our fan base has no idea how to handle actually winning.
  2. what is what Ben will be dining on during steelers games next season.
  3. That’s wild. But you’re probably right about the two teams outcomes
  4. I’m not sure how there is a theoretical chance. worst chiefs can do and best bills can do is 13-3 with head to head tiebreaker win for chiefs right?
  5. Lamar Finley... Bengals seem to always come through for the Bills!
  6. Tomlins tough guy schtick, practicing in pads, calling players out in media... none of it seems to be working
  7. Looks like they didn’t recap Thursday or Saturday games.
  8. This team was undefeated 2 games ago?
  9. with all the WR talent on that steelers Roster it defies logic their offense is so sub par... Ben just seems disinterested
  10. so based on this they should win the Super Bowl 37-18 😉
  11. it’s like Richie Incognito and the Donald had a love child...
  12. Their defense is pretty awesome. yeah- his coach of the year work was his first season.
  13. or maybe even more importantly, Josh has grown enough that he like some of the other greats are probably going to become much like an OC themselves.
  14. The only way you keep him around is if he doesn’t want a head coaching job or doesn’t think he is ready yet. Money won’t supplant ambition, or not for long anyway.
  15. what an honor this must have been
  16. You don’t. Josh will be his own OC someday
  17. He came down with fumble-itis?
  18. whatever you need to tell yourself bud... just saying until josh beats Mahomes, nobody with a real perspective is saying he’s better. I want him to be the best like everyone here does. But our kid needs to hoist the trophy and out duel the best to get in that conversation. That’s the overarching fact of facts. but you do you... yep 100%
  19. It’s a fact Brady’s number one argument supporting his goat status is about rings and wins. his individual stats and accolades do not separate him from the other greats nearly as much as the wins. The best QBs win maybe not every time but certainly most of the time. It’s that simple
  20. yeah he looked pretty jacked up
  21. your entitled to your opinion... I say josh needs to beat Mahomes before anyone outside of bills homers see him as better
  22. love the thought, but we all know who they need to beat for this to be validated
  23. 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰
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