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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. if that is true the liberal tax approach should be to target AMT restructuring, not remove SALT caps. thst article is hard to follow, but it cites a fact that those over 10 million paid more taxes than previously, certainly surprises me. I had alway heard the republican tax cuts favored the top.
  2. but i thought the idea WAS for the rich to subsidize the poor and that any tax deduction ‘CAP’, in any form seems target higher, not lower income. remove that, and it is certainly a tax cut the benefits the wealthier, certainly NOT the poor. I’m clueless why Pelosi tried to sneak this through in the last Covid relief package. It’s puzzling to me.
  3. I’m here all week. You can relieve the peak on set of stress with 50cc’s of tequila 30 minutes before kick off. feel free to PM me for co-pay information
  4. As long as he is wearing a mask and I can kick him in the shin, sure...
  5. as far as I’m concerned, if it gives the bills an edge, don’t tell me anything.
  6. it’s natural to experience anxiety. This will continue until the game is over, especially against mr comeback guy. it’s pretty simple, if they want to be who we want them to be, they need to beat the Colts.
  7. I don’t know if I like our QB dunking on or best WR... it’s not confidence building
  8. no, but let them burn time studying Stills too and speculate what other guys they need to pull film on. Even if It’s one hour of wasted film study, it’s still that.
  9. Not sure this is true. He is such a unique player it’s gotta suck up prep time. And he’s so tough he might be the odds of recovery.
  10. But the objective of liberal tax policy is to give the fed more tax dollars to redistribute. Disempowering states is a side effect, but there has to be some consequences. Im not really into tax policy to know the right answer but it seems like the rich liberal leaning states are ok raising federal taxes, just not on their constituents? Is that the movement behind eliminating the SALT cap? I mean I live in MD and def hit that cap, I ended up paying more federal taxes Han previously, which is what thought was the liberal tax policy agenda. and I’m not taking Dem or Rep, I’m merely advocating liberalism underpinnings are the principle that government has a greater role, conservatism tend toward state governments and individualism, or so I thought.
  11. 120k is top 25%... by middle class standards you are wealthy. Share the wealth and stop being so greedy. People who choose to live in wealthy areas, ie higher cost of living, shouldn’t be able to use that choice as a tax shelter. I mean if your for paying your fair share, you should be all for paying more taxes.
  12. I don’t understand why liberals or democrats want SALT cap deductions lifted. That would be a tax reduction on people who own expensive homes in well to do areas and pay lots of state income tax because they are paid so much. If one really cares about helping the middle class The caps just make sure wealthy home owners and high earners in wealthy states and counties pay your fair share to the federal government.
  13. Please!!! For the love of god... no more ideas.
  14. Don’t worry there will be an elegant social engineering fix for that. It will be incredibly degrading and further destructive, but it will be well cloaked as a righteous entitlement owed to the bourgeoisie by government, granted by the political elite. You’re welcome peasants... It will be spawned from the same misguided and laughably false “intellectual superiority” frame of mind evident throughout many threads by the contentious condescenders. poor kids. They deserve a better future.
  15. So it’s that tool Maher’s fault the orange Don got this idea?? figures
  16. Those no iron shirts are excellent... I wonder if we could get people to agree on that.
  17. Can’t stand the guy. Also can’t stand people like you. Both very clear examples of why this country is eroding and has been now for some time.
  18. we’re already in a civil war... it happened all summer in most cities in America. it takes two brain washed hordes to dance, and that’s what we have. oligarchy... look it up. That’s America
  19. The narrative flip on protests, on both sides is nothing short of incredible. The polarization of America is nearly absolute. The viscous escalating cycle Of vitriol looks unstoppable at this point.
  20. never miss a good photo op. He and his brother remind me of like the Rex and Rob Ryan of politics... thanks daddy!
  21. They haven’t even starting burning things or looting. Didn’t they watch the news this summer. That’s not a protest... sorry couldn’t help pointing at the irony. I despise both political parties and their sheep.
  22. I think he’d be an awesome White House press secretary with his charming media demeanor
  23. If by unique you mean breakdance and drive the lane to a place of the field, yes. not do dissimilar from Beasley although he might still be more predictable.
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